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  1. aggieterpkatie

    Electric Fence; Not for goats and sheep?

    No, those are warm season grasses.
  2. aggieterpkatie

    SheepGirl's 2012 Lambing Thread

    I was thinking Katy Perry. Not because I like her, but because it seems her songs and Lady Gaga's songs are always played in succession on the radio. :rolleyes: :lol: Is there a chance Ali is also bred? And did your neighbor see Ciquala give birth to all 4 lambs? Didn't you say you came...
  3. aggieterpkatie

    There's a thingamajig in 'er whatchamahoosit.

    Sometimes they'll get abscesses or little hard knots from injections that stay for quite a while. There isn't really anything you can do about it. I try to rub the site after I give an injection, but I'm not sure if it helps or just makes me feel better. :P
  4. aggieterpkatie

    SheepGirl's 2012 Lambing Thread

    She is pretty darn adorable! Her poor hiney. Make sure you take pics to update us as she heals. There are some anti-fly ointments you can get. Maybe you can use that so she can go back out w/ mom? It looks pretty swollen (but may just be the pic). Perhaps soaking in warm epsom salt water...
  5. aggieterpkatie

    staph infection in dairy goat

    That's why I like the Ammens powder, because it helps dry the area. Do you have a Walmart nearby? Or a Rite-Aid, Walgreens, etc? They should definitley have it. I found it at our small-town pharmacy.
  6. aggieterpkatie

    There's a thingamajig in 'er whatchamahoosit.

    I'm not sure, but it sounds like lymph nodes maybe. Now go get some sleep! :P
  7. aggieterpkatie

    SheepGirl's 2012 Lambing Thread

    Are you planning on putting her back with your ewe? Congrats for being out of school, and even bigger congrats for GRADUATING!!! :D :celebrate
  8. aggieterpkatie

    Umbilicus cord

    He'll lose it when it's ready to fall off. :D Don't rush it or pull on it. It'll come off on its own, probably sooner rather than later.
  9. aggieterpkatie

    staph infection in dairy goat

    My doe had a staph issue last summer, pimples on her udder. It never got bad, but I never got it and didn't wear gloves. Of course I washed up after doing chores. We drank the milk also, and never had issues. Of course, it's up to your judgement and if it was oozy or really bad I'd hold off on...
  10. aggieterpkatie

    SheepGirl's 2012 Lambing Thread

    She should be alright once she's treated. They heal amazingly fast. This is one of the bummers of having a late lambing, isn't it? The temps are so nice but the stupid flies ruin it. I think I'd rather deal with heat lamps and freezing temps. Two years ago one of my ewes lambed in June...
  11. aggieterpkatie

    Milk withholding time after Valbazen

    Well, it says don't use on lactating does, but I know people who do. They only give it a 3 day w/d, but I give everything at least a 7 day w/d.
  12. aggieterpkatie

    Fly Spray?

    I just use my horse fly spray for the goats. I try not to spray them too often, but the flies get so bad around here I can't let them suffer.
  13. aggieterpkatie

    How do I cut back from 4 feedings a day to 3?

    I would just totally cut out a feeding and start your new schedule.
  14. aggieterpkatie

    First Litter Born!-4 wks-video pg 2!

    Here's a video I took yesterday. The babies are 4 weeks now. I've been collecting grasses and weeds for feeding time. Mostly clover, orchardgrass, plantain, paper mulberry, and dandelion. They LOVE the fresh greens and it really helps save on feed. They also get some kitchen scraps (like...
  15. aggieterpkatie

    Found Rabies shot online, no RX, anyone try it???

    I have given other vaccines to the dogs (like the DHLPP) and as long as we keep the box/bag the vaccine came in, the vets will honor it. They're not thrilled about it, but they'll at least accept it. Rabies has to be done by a vet here in MD, and there are clinics in each county at least once...
  16. aggieterpkatie

    Pig with goats?

    They certainly were good buddies! They were only together until the goats were sold at around 8 weeks. The pig was about 3 weeks older than the goats, so they were all very young. Now that the pig has grown a ton, I'm not sure I'd put her in with any goats. She's just so incredibly strong I...
  17. aggieterpkatie

    Electric Fence; Not for goats and sheep?

    Most grasses store their energy reserves in the roots and crown (bottom 3" of plant). When grass is grazed, the plant sends the energy up to the plant for new growth. When the plant is grazed again, shorter than the 3" mark, the energy reserves are zapped and it stresses the plant. If the...
  18. aggieterpkatie

    2 yo Ewe with Scours

    Sounds to me like it's the pasture. You can offer some hay, or try some Probios. She'll probably firm up a bit when her rumen adjusts.
  19. aggieterpkatie

    SheepGirl's 2012 Lambing Thread

    Congrats!! Too bad that natural colored one didn't make it (or the other one too). That's great though! Cornish, we've had triplets before that the mom cleans all three. Could be just a wivess tale about the third never making it I guess.
  20. aggieterpkatie

    Applying ear tags

    I tag in the exact same spot as purplequeenvt. I prefer the male tag to go through the front, so the point is coming out the back of the ear. Just personal preference.