He is lucky yoi are paying him! Our kids got nothing for animal chores, although they did get to keep the money they made from market animals they took through Fair auction. After paying for animal and feed, that is. They also got t keep the premium $$ from showing their dairy goats and...
We have 6'3" tall perimeter fencing. I have 4 Anatolian LGD bitches, aged 12 years (semi-retired), 5 years, 2 years and 8 months. The older two are spayed. They are all from the same working bloodlines. The high fencing is mainly for the dogs since our new place is on a busy road. Coyotes...
We brought his recliner and DH's recliner to the ranch this trip. After a strenuous day of unloading the trailer and truck, sorting everyting out and moving it between the shed, barn, and house, both D and DS1 collapsed into their recliners. DS1 said that he is sad that it is here since he...
Wow! It is a good thing that you train your cattle to come to a bucket. I am surprised that the bulls were so calm and went back in to their field, particularly after having had their "shoving match" with the gate.
It is such a shame that she is a bad mom. She has grown into a beautiful ewe and her bloodlines are terrific. She is out of my Lewis ram and he threw gorgeous stock. I am so sad for you but a ewe that won't produce or raise her lambs is worthless no matter how nice an animal she is. :(...
The loan of the grafting head gate still stands, just let me know by 21st. We can meet in Lufkin and I will pick it up in December.
This is a Sydel panel, mine is a Shaul's panel. It is a 5' wide panel with solid sides and the head lock in the center. When the ewe is in the head lock she...
We were in Yelm, WA one year and wanted to find the Walmart. No problem! GPS took us straight to - an empty lot!
A friend was pulling her horse trailer to meet our horse group at a beach camp where we spent a week every year. She was late and since she came alone we were getting worried...
On the road for 3 days. Arrived tonight just at sundown. Colors in picture are more washed out than the sunset actually was. Nice welcome home.
All 3 dogs were waiting to welcome us home. Those sweet puppies! We will have to carefully introduce Hazine to them. We will put her in with...
Spent the entire day trying to finish packing but instead had to keep stopping to help DH load the truck and trailer. A job that wud have taken him 1 day 20 years ago takes us 2 days now. Still, pretty good for being in our prime. DH is much primer than I am.
DH kept saying that we had...
Check her teeth. There are charts online which can help you determine if she is a lamb, young ewe, or an older one. As sheep age their teeth space out a bit. I don't think I would breed her. Even though she seems to be growing and putting on weight, you are taking a chance.
We are coming into winter and the grass won't grow as fast so you will need to feed hay this winter until the grass starts to grow in the spring. If you over graze that grass now it may not recover without extensive reseeding and fertilizing. Two acres of lush grass can be divided into 2...
Makes me remember the old joke about the young farmer who went off to war leving his wife to handle the farm. She wrote that she was having trouble digging the field to plant the ptatoes. He wrote back that she shouldn't dig that field since that "is where the guns are buried". Naturally the...
My friend bought one of those in an antique store . Very picturesque!
Last day to pack everything. Remembered the meds in the laundry room fridge in the middle of the nght. Need to get frozen packs to pack them in a cooler. Also need to go through the freeers again and remove my meat...