Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
@Ridgetop Could I interest you in the Midwest Ram sale? It's a week later in Sedalia, Missouri. I would help pay fuel and we could have a ton of fun sheep shopping!
My name is Ridgetop and I am a recovering sheep auction bidder.

Of course I am ready to fall off the wagon with you! Might have a problem with dates, let me see if I can move some of DH's doctor appts around. Otherwise, he can fly back to California and we can go to the show!

ROAD TRIP! :weee


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Yes, no diesel trucks in California. Actua;;y they want to ban all gs engines too. Diesels coming with stuff for California stores will have to switch them over to electric trucks. They are not going to be able to unload onto diesel trucks at the ports either. One company has purchased a fleet of electric trucks to haul cargo from the port to a staging area where they can be transferred to diesel trcks for going across the country. Better pray that Governor Gruesome doesn't ever become president or we will all be withuir vehicles. Even the Amish should look out since we know how the greenies fee about cow and horse poop!

Finished my Christmas shopping. Sadly not on a Tuesday which is Senior Discount Day, but I can't worry about that since I am in a time crunch to finish. Only have to do one more family and that will be all done via Amazon. Will pack DD2 family's gifts to take back and wrap in Texas since they will be with us for Christmas. Got DH's flight to CA done - he must fly back to CA for doctor appointments and will accompany DGD2 which will be nice for them. DGD2 is flying out for Christmas holidays with DD2 and DSIL2 alone or with her other grandmother.

Have to finish packing tomorrow for final loading in trailer. Truck still now finished. Delivery of necessary part probably delayed by Veterans' Day holiday. Front section is stuffed full, rear section still needs to be packed. 10' sheep panel, some patio furniture, exercise machine, recliners, other furniture pieces, coolers with meat from freezers, and last boxes still to load. On Wednesday have to make a trip to Lowes for tool DS1 wants, then to Costco for a few items for trip to TX.

Ozel is no longer in trouble for chasing the sheep in the wrong direction. DS1 moved 1/2 the lambs 2 weeks ago and the other half on Saturday. Ozel circled to the other side of the group and kept them moving into the new field. Lots of praise and loving from DS1 afterwards. She is growing up. Erick called to say that he and his friend are working with Hazine on lead. She has never been ona lead and when it is put on her she thinks she is in trouble. She immediately assumed the suvmissive posture. Unfortunately this position is laying down motionless. LOL Erick said they finally got her to move a few steps by Kelly holding her butt off the ground as he encouraged her to come along. Then they put a lead on her mother and she followed along with her mother for several feet. I will have work to do with her to get her to lead since we want to show her eventually. Ozel is reluctant to come to the house for her supper. DS1 is getting worried that Angel is beating her up. I will have to watch Angel carefully when I get back. He said he will put Ozel in with the rams for a while and see if that helps with Ozel. I talked to Erick about it and he said that some females get aggressive with younger bitches and do beat them up. Anatolians are very dominant. At the moment Ozel is young and not aggressive towards Angel who is larger and older. I don't want a bitch fight to erupt between the two when Ozel decides she wants to be the dominant one. Anatolians can hold grudges.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Well more trouble chez Ridgetop - The family bathroom tub/shower faucet broke AGAIN! This is the third time we have replaced the control gizmo. Happened Monday night and had to shut off the water to the house since there is no shutoff to the bathroom. Tuesday made coffee with bottled water in the morning and DH called the plumber back out. In the meantime, DS2 went on Amazon and called the manufacturer - Grohe - who gave him informatio about a pat that would fit on Amazon. He ordered it. The plumber came out and was talking about ordering another part for the faucet when I heard him mention getting the part fro Kohler. Apparently the plumbers were under the impression the faucet was a Kohler. Maybe one reason it kept breaking? The plumber didn't have the part so DS2 fixed it tonight with the part he ordered. He installed the part the way the plumber told him it should go. When he turned on the cold water it ran hot and vice versa! He removed it and reversed it and it works now. This proves that if you want something done right, do it yourself!

We did get the truck back today and the manager knocked off $400 from the repair bill. He also managed to get the reimbursement check from Galpin for for the Turbo repair. :D =D DH took the truck to the radio place on the way home and was told that the radio was fine - the short in the engine had caused it to shut off somehow. It is a safety feature to avoid destroying or burning out the radio when you have a short or overheating. The radio guy reprogramed it and it is fine. Finally some good luck. :yesss:

Tomorrow we will go and get the Bosch tool at Lowes. I also have abut $200 worth of returns to do. I planned to do a bunch of wrk around thehouse but ran out of time so all that repair stuff can go back. That will pay for the tool purchase. However after thinking I was completely finished with Christmas shopping I made out the list of what I had bought for everyone and realized I still had family members I had not got anything for. When you have an immediate family of 19 husband, children, and grandchildren for whom to buy you often forget someone. I will remedy that tomorrow and have DS1 place the last 2 Amazon gift orders. Then just wrap those last couple gifts and done.

I have done more packing. My back feels like it is broken. I need to wear a back brace tomorrow for all the bending and stooping. Big list of stuff to do tomorrow - couple things to order from Amazon, need to sort out the patio furniture cushions and find the ones for the glider. They are not standard size - I had to reduce them in size. Also clear out one of the deck boxes we store them in to take to TX. Not sure if we will take a couple matching patio chairs with us or not. Then I need to disassemble my exercise machine to load it. I need to drag all the stuff I want to load over to the trailer so nothing is forgotten. Also have to do some business on the computer, and make a couple appointments. And get another suitcase out of the shed to pack up all the clothes we have here as well as all the Christmas gifts for DD2's family. We have to go to Costco tomorrow and may get a new smaller Christmas tree there if DH sees one he likes. We were not thrilled with the ones at Lowes. Did get DGS3's Christmas stuff ordered. DS1 called DS3 and asked about hunting stuff since he and DGS3 will be going hunting in Texas again in February. DS1 saw a 2 man portable hunting blind at Atkins but DS3 said he has one and also has a set up for field dressing, but that poor DGS3 nearly froze last time. DS1 went to the Sulphur Springs Walmart and was able to find an insulated hunting jacket and bib overalls in his size. He bought those and will take them up to Nipomo when he and DS2's family go up to visit. He threw in a couple of $1 hand warmers too. LOL I also got him some thermal underwear and wool insulated socks. We are giving him those together. DS2 and I may go in on a Kindle for DGS1. He goes off to college next year. Otherwise he will get a check from us.
:barnie So much still to do. :th


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
It's a miracle! DS1 found the only remaining shop and parts supplier in the US for Farmall Tractors. It is located near Houston Texas about 200 miles away! :weee Big Blue is a FarmAll and needs a front bucket and arms. This shop has a used bucket and arms in stock. DS1 gave them the model # and it will fit the tractor! :yesss: If we need the attachments for the arms, they can be ordered but will take 6-8 weeks. DS1 wants to rent a flatbed trailer, take the trailer to the shop, have the bucket and arms attached, and have them do a tune up on the engine. He also wants to have them fix the transmission. When changing gears if you pull up on the gear shift too hard, the gears come apart inside the transmission. :lol: The engine is strong, and the tractor is powerfu enough to move the round hay bales so we wouldn't need to buy a new tractor. :bow We can save our money for a new pickup and the new well. Thank You, Lord, for answering our prayers.


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
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Eastern NC
It's a miracle! DS1 found the only remaining shop and parts supplier in the US for Farmall Tractors. It is located near Houston Texas about 200 miles away! :weee Big Blue is a FarmAll and needs a front bucket and arms. This shop has a used bucket and arms in stock. DS1 gave them the model # and it will fit the tractor! :yesss: If we need the attachments for the arms, they can be ordered but will take 6-8 weeks. DS1 wants to rent a flatbed trailer, take the trailer to the shop, have the bucket and arms attached, and have them do a tune up on the engine. He also wants to have them fix the transmission. When changing gears if you pull up on the gear shift too hard, the gears come apart inside the transmission. :lol: The engine is strong, and the tractor is powerfu enough to move the round hay bales so we wouldn't need to buy a new tractor. :bow We can save our money for a new pickup and the new well. Thank You, Lord, for answering our prayers.
Wonderful news! God is good.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
My bad - not a FarmAll. It is a FarmTrac. Used to be popular but now no longer available in the states. DS1 just called - bucket and arms are the right ones for our model tractor, and wonder of wonders they have a set of brackets IN STOCK! :weee Total price $3200 which we will pay now since they were about to advertise it on line! We will rent a flat bed hauler and drive the tractor down.

DS1 said it was a real stroke of luck since he was actually just looking for a new tractor seat for DH for Christmas! LOL Still need the new tractor seat since it is down to bare metal! Wonder how those old farmers managed on that hard metal seat before padded sets. Although sitting while ploughing the fields is easier than walking behind a mule. LOL

DS1 says he is the favorite child again, and deserves vast amounts of credit for managing to get DH what will amount to a new tractor after getting the work done. Merry Christmas Daddy!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
My Farmall H has a steel seat and it is actually fairly comfortable. There is plenty of room AND it is shaped for a BUTT... not flat... it also is on a spring so has some give/movement for uneven ground... I have enough padding for that seat too :lol::lol::gig:gig:gig.

Saw them used for seats at a bar in a picture somewhere...


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
My friend bought one of those in an antique store . Very picturesque!

Last day to pack everything. Remembered the meds in the laundry room fridge in the middle of the nght. Need to get frozen packs to pack them in a cooler. Also need to go through the freeers again and remove my meat. Dry ice for that cooler. Hopefully the new freezer will be there and plugged in ready to unload when we get there. Not as much meat as we took last time, but sufficient, and also the frozen colostrum and goat milk for emergencies.

Got a perm. Forgot to get a perm pick so I look like a exploded dandelion this morning! LOL DH forgot to call me when I was doing my errands yesterday to tell me to pick up our prescriptions so when I make the trip for that I will get one. And the obligatory spray bottle for spraying the wild curls - a perm is like an orchid. It requires frequent misting. Also some leave in conditioner to tame the curls. Theresa left it a bit on the long side but I can trim it shorter if I can't get it under control. If I disappear you will know to be on the lookout for The Perm That Ate Los Angeles. :lol: I was hoping to look younger but all those curls off my face draw attention to my well earned wrinkles. I can always wear a hat. And smudge DH's glasses.

The bedroom closet is empty except for the clothes to go in the travel bag. Lots more to load in the trailer but if we don't get off until Saturday or Sunday midday, we can stop in Kingman, then Santa Rosa, and finish the last leg to Yantis. All Christmas gifts left here for family are wrapped except for the ones DS1 is bringing out from Texas for DGS3. Gifts for DD2's famioy are packed to take back to Texas and wrap there. Also packed the expensive foil paper, some tissue and bags for the future. Just need to get a Christmas tree when we arrive.

DS1 shopped for Christmas lights, exterior extension cords, and rain guards for the Yantis house yesterday. He will put up the Christmas lights before he leaves for California. Once here he wil put up the Christmas lights with DS2 so DS2 will know how they go up for next year. DS1 has it down to a science with certain strings connected together to fit the entry and fencing. He didn't want me to bring those lights preferring to calculate what he will need for where he wants to put lights in Yantis. Luckily Lowes was having a pre-Black Friday light sale.

DH loaded the 3 6' field feeders in the pickup bed. Now we have to load the black fence panels in and around them, tie everything in, then finish packing the trailer. Trying to decide if I want to bring 2 of the fancy iron patio chairs for the front porch. They have comfy seat cushions which match the glider cushions. I also have covers for winter storage for them so they can sit on the front porch year round with the glider. DH thinks we will have room for them and the deck box I store them in when not in use. The front porch is noisy, but very pleasant in the summer. I will replace the 2 fancy overhead hanging porch lights with outdoor fans for pleasant summer evenings. Might even screen in the porch to avoid the mosquitoes that like to socialize in those pleasant summer evenings. So happy this move is almost over!
:celebrate :weee

Erick has a lead on a new stud dog for Ozel and Hazine. Not saying anymore until we see the pedigree, but it is an outcross and we will be able to use Bubba's semen on any puppies. :fl
Erick and I will be showing Ozel, Hazine, and their sisters and brother in some carefully chosen shows. Would like to get them their championships before breeding them. We have agreed to find some good handlers since it is hard to show a large energetic dog at the lope when we hobble gracelessly around the ring. :lol: Pity win? Or DQ on the handlers for faulty gait?

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