Mini Horses
Herd Master
Sounds like your panic attack about "the move" has ended and you've come back to normal
. Yeah, wrangling appliance & vehicle breakdowns is a picnic compared to a houseful of young kids!!! 

We are switching to a PPO but need to find a good GP as well as all the specialists we have to see now.Can't possibly save $$ with all those checks ups & dr visits in CA. Bite the bullet -- keep you butt & busted knees in TX.
I know, more tranquilizers! DH just called Galin and they are checking her over now. Something is causing her electrical not to charge but if that is so wouldn't she have stopped working on the trip back from TX? Or was the radio cutting out to conserve electrical charge? Sadly, Galpin has bee going down hille in the service department for several years ever since Burt retired. Burt Boeckman who owned Galpin Motors was a bear on good service. His theory was that giving customers good auto service would keep them coming back to buy cars and keep them loyal. Now their service sucks.I’m worried about Twinkles at Galpin. That’s the bottomless pit of no truck return!