Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Monday -
Picked up the truck and returned the truck to the service center 5 minutes later. :barnie
I was already home and DH called to say that EITHER the door latch was malfunctining OR THE DOOR AJAR light was malfunctioning and lighting up. Not sure if they will fix it now or if I will have to drive back to get him. DH took me to Walmart today to get new glasses but the optometrist only is there Tues, Wed, Thurs so no go. Also takes 2 weeks to get the glasses at which time we hope to be on the road to Texas. I will get my glasses at the Walmart in Sulphur Springs, which wil be better in case i need to have any adjustments.

DH just called to say that the radio wouldnt come and when they looked under the hood again they thought they smelled a diesel leak at the wiring. He is coming home in an Uber and the truck will remain in its new home at Galpin. DH tried to get them to look at the radio wiring when he first took it in but they said they didn't do radios. I will be sooo glad not to take anyore vehicles to Galpin anymore. I really think they are big rip off artists since Burt Boeckmann is gone. I might need to refill my tranquilizer prescription before leaving for Texas!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Now an evening devoted to election returns. I remember as a child that Voting Day was a horrible day - nothing on TV! We have joined the adults watching electio returns non stop all evening now.

Took care of some business today on the computer. Filed out my NAHMS questionnaire. Luckily I have my sheep paperwork with me and my breeding/lambing book. Now I see that I have more forms to fill out with the vet. Better get on it so I don't get kicked out of the study.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
NO NEED FOR WORDS! :weee:weee:weee:weee:weee:weee:weee CONGRATULATIONS TO US, THE PEOPLE!

On a depressing note, Twinkles did have a gas (diesel) leak. It is being repaired along with the door latch light which was some sort of wiring thing. We will be buying a new truck once we are in Texas. The new truck will have a gas engine since diesel is more expensive than diesel now, but will be 4WD since it will be the new farm truck. Twinkles will be semi-retired to hauling the 5th wheel for vacations.
On a happy note, DH has finally convinced Galpin to cut us a check for the new turbo we had put in in Texas since it was under warranty. We paid Toliver Ford in sulphur springs for the work since we didn't realize it was stil under warranty. Tolliver and Galpin have been arguing over who should reimburse us the cost since the warranty was through Galpin. DH also asked about the solenoid on the turbo which was replaced by Galpin just before the turbo failed. Apparently it is incuded on the turbo? Galpin will include that in the reimbursement as well.

And I need a new laptop computer. This one is starting to act up and do strange things. The screen got a crack in it on one of our trips and could not be operated with the mouse. DS1 disconnected something and I have gotten another couple years out of it but now it s going bad again. Luckily, it ws not very expensive. I don't need the big expensive ones that people need for games, since i only use it for office work, emails, etc.

I don't think DS2 will be getting a Boxer puppy. The puppy picked up soe parasite at the Vegas show and the breeder said she wanted to give her a week or so to get over it and put some weight back on. Texted her after the week was up to ask about it and never heard back. I don't understand why the breeder does not want to sell a $3000 4 month old puppy to people with references from other dog people! A lot of peple don't want a gangly 4 month old puppy cutting its adult teeth on everything, they want a 10 week old cutie pie. I told DS2 to just wait a while since DDIL2 was so busy with the babies, and has no experience obedience training.

Tomorrow I will haul out more boxes to load for Texas - sewing machine, a lot of containers of sewing stuff, craft and needlework stuff. Got my Christmas presents wrapped. DGS1 says just give him money for college. Only have to get something for DGS3 & 4, DGD2 & 3. Also DD1, DSIL1, DS3, DDIL1, DD2, DSIL2. After Thanksgiving DH and I will have to get a new, smaller Christmas tree. Our current one has to stay in California since it will be too tall for the ceiling height in Texas. Ceiling in CA is vaulted, ceiling in Texas is standard. Will probably do another sorting of Christmas ornaments and divvy up what I can't fit on the new little tree for the kids. However, DS1 will put up ur Christmas lights in Texas and DH can put his exterior decorations out on the porch or front yard. Couldn't put any decorations in the yard here because the dogs would knock them over or the wind would blow them away. DH is thrilled to be able to put out his large snow persons on the porch, and is casting lustful glances at new large and hard to store exterior Christmas decorations in the stores. We wil need to clean out the carport attic space to store them this winter whioe snakes and poisonous or stinging bugs are dormant.

Update on the wasp nest in our old Catalpa tree off the back porch - there are TWO wasp nests - one is a red wasp nest and the other is a yellow jacket nest. The nests are attached to the dead branches that need to be cut down!


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Well YAY --- 🇺🇲
:( ont he truck and nests.
The Boxer puppy thing - man ya' got me. Haven't heard the same about the litter down here as far as timing and placement, but haven't heard exactly either. Though --- that litter also ended up with that parasite as well. While the genetics are good something just isn't sitting right.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
With the response from the breeders, I told DS2 to back off and not get a puppy right now. He doesn't have time to train it and Kathleen can't do it either. She has 2 active boys under 4 and is pregnant, due the end of April. :D =D DS2 and DDIL2 are both older and wanted to get their family out of the way. The kids will be 2 years apart. Hoping it is a girl. Anyway, unlike those of us who live and speak 'dog', she won't be able to train a puppy while having 3 small kids, one a nursing baby. Waiting won't be a prblem although DS2 said he wanted the dog to "grow up with the kids". :rolleyes:Better to wait until the kids are all in preschool and up.

Glad about the election since I have 4 grandsons aged 17 to 11 who would have been prime age for the wars that the outgoing P and VP were too weak to avoid. :fl for peace for the next 4 years.

The truck is still at Galpin, but hopefully will be finished in time to hitch the stock trailer and begin loading so we can leave for Texas on the 16th or 17th. I have started removing more stuff from the cabinet in this hiuse. Forgot how much storage we built into it. I pulled out a lot of large plastic bins of sewing and needlework stuff. Not to mention my sewing machine, etc. I also have several Corning casseroles that I need to pack. Then I found some food stuffs I had put in a closet to take and forget about. More boxes. Back to packing! I know I could buy the stuff in Texas, but if I have room I will save money taking what I have here.

The freezer was delayed 2 weeks so DS1 rented a 7cf freezer for a month. He had to move the frozen food from the locker because they had deer clients waitig for it. The rental guy plugged it in so it would be cold when delivered. It was delivered yesterday and DS1 oved all our meat into it. He says it is packed full, but at least the meat is safe. I think we may buy another freezer this summer during the sales or find one used.

I heard from NAHMS and they want to come out and take samples next Thursday or Friday. We won't be back there yet so I called and reschedued for Monday November 25.

This NAHMS study is for sheep this year so I was lucky to get in since they only do each specie of livestock once every 10 years! Next year is cattle. I had hoped to stay in the stdy for several years but lucky to get in on this. Doing the parasite and foot rot study testing.

High winds have dropped finally. Large fire in Camarillo has taken out a lot of homes. Terrible for those people.


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
I married my first husband in 1981. His parents lived in Ventura, but passed a long time ago. I have their address in my address book, so I looked up their old home. Its right in the middle of an evac zone, but seems to be safe. The fire moved southbound and the destruction is just horrible!! Deep sigh for those who lost everything.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Part for truck will not be in until Monday. Might get the truck back Tuesday or Wednesday. :he DH is hitching the stock trailer to DS2's truck to bring it into the yard to load it. i am still packing more stuff for final move.

DH had a root canal today. He has to go back to the dentist to repair the crown the endodontist drilled through to do the root canal. He has to wait 10 days before going to DDS. We will be on the road or in Yantis by then. I will make an appointment with our new DDS in Sulphur Springs. DH is peeved th our DDS here anyway. When he was in for a crown, the new secretary made him pay $2400 up front saying tht the new policy was to pay in advance for the crown or any bridgework. This was a first, and she said it was a new policy. When he was back at the DDS for the abscess that prompted the root canal, our DDS told hm that she always paid for the crowns herself and didnt require any up frot payments. He just got the insurance payoff and they covered it 100%. He called the DDS office and was told that before they can refund our $2400 it has to be approved by the office manager who was not in the office. I think he will have to go to the office to get a check from them. :mad: He really doesn;t like the new office secretary. When he called about the abscessed tooth, he asked to have the DDS call him about it. Instead the secretary set an appointment and nevr gave the message to the DDS. Since he was not able to get in to the DDS for a couple weeks, there is not enough time for him to go back to her for the crown repair (or new crown). Too bad - DH is really angry so I told him it was ok since we were changing dentists anyway. He is not happy about having to obtain a refund of the $2400 credit with our dentist. Big hassle.

Our Lowes is having a Bosch sale - buy a batery charger and battery and get a free tool. I bought a fast charger and 8 ap battery for $229 and got a free 7 1/2" chopsaw that sells for $329. Our old chopsaw is not working very well and the cuts are no longer true. We use it a lot so we need a new one. This is smaller, but the price is right and battery operated. The battery tools have improved a lot, and most of our battery tols are Bosch so all the batteries fit all the tools. DS1 said he would like the battery operated horizontal band saw so I'm going back to get a double battery pack and a bandsaw on Wednesday. DH said Brian (who did the bathroom tile, installed the generator, and some of the electric panel work for the barn) had one and DS1 said it would be very useful. Another offer is buy a battery pack and get a battery operated Sawzall. It is smaller and lighter than our large corded one and I have to cut out shelves in the closets in Texas and double rod the closets. It might be handy for me if it is lighter - I will see how light it is next Wednesday when I go in for the bandsaw for DS1 for Christmas. DS1 is finished for Christmas.

Got T-shirts with funny sayings on them for DSIL1, DGS1 & 2, and will send them a large Hickory Farms. I am running out of time to shop. I still need to get something for DGS3 & 4, but will shop on line and have it sent direct. Everything is erapped and ready to leave here for the family having Christmas here.

Nail appointments tomorrow - bringing chilled Sparkling Cider - would have brought champagne but I am having my nails done and don't want any accidents! LOL Both the ladies are big Trump supporters. We have a lot of fun dissing the liberals - some of Van's clients are liberals and they laugh when I say politically incorrect things in front of them. I will miss them a lot. I thin O woll enter the shop waving The bottles d singing "Happy Days Are Here Again . . . ." LOL


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
The more I pack the more I remember things I will need that haven't ben packed! Like my iron and ironing board. I do iron and use it mainly for sewing. My sewing machine - a necessary piece of equipment. And about 10 bins of sewing stuff. When yu move a whole house it is easier, when you are leaving the house occupied with family, not so much. Not to mention I have some grooming tools, halters, etc. I just found in the barn. I am not taking my horse gear (saddles, etc.) back yet since I don't have a place to store them. They can go back in June when we have to come out for DH's annual fraternity golf game, more doctor appointments and to visit the grandchildren. Maybe even hit the Western States Dorper show in Idaho. I AM bringing a stock trailer, seems a shame to waste the space . . . .

DH said he will hitch DS2's truck to the stock trailer to pull it forward into the yard so we can start loading it. I have a couple more boxes of tools to get fro the shed, and the folding step stool from the shed. I need one in the huse and one in the tool shed. DS1 and I bought one for the house in TX but am taking the shed one from here. DH says why not just buy new in TX but we don't have that kind of money! Why buy new when I have it here? And can stick it in the truck and trailer. Will probably have another load this summer as well. Need to borrow DS3's flatbed to bring the corral covers back. DS1 said he wil measure the e=eight of the gooseneck trailer to see if the 8' x 12' covers will fit inside. We also have about 30 bales of prime alfalfa here that I would like to have in TX for the ewes and lambs. Won't be able to get them back this time, but maybe next time and will have them for the next lambing. They are stored inside here so won't lose any nutrients. We need a Connex in Texas too for additional storage.

Took the celebratory bottles of sparkling cider to Thu and Van 🍾 ,sang "Happy Days Are Here Again . . . . " 🎼🎼🎼 for them, and we toasted the election. They screamed with laughter - or maybe pain since I am not a great singer! LOL So sad to leave them! :hit They have become good friends and we have helped each other get through the Trumpless years. LOL One of the customers toasting with us said she heard that Gruesome plans to raise California gasoline taxes by $.65 a gallon!


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
Did you read what Gruesome allowed to go into law?

Adopted in 2023, California's mandate is the first in the world to ban new diesel trucks and force a switch to zero-emission big rigs, garbage trucks, delivery trucks and other medium and heavy-duty vehicles. No new fossil-fueled medium-duty and heavy-duty trucks would be sold in the state starting in 2036.