What I do is mix the herbs with about an equal amount of molassess. I then mix in a bit of their grain to make it firm enough to stay in a ball, then roll the ball in their grain. They love it! I think they can smell it when I carry it down to the goat house, because they start getting all...
That's kind of what I thought...rats! I hate to waste all those gallons of milk.:droolCan't wait to have all we want again (we've been drinking the frozen I put up from last year to get us through)! Thanks for giving me the benefit of your experience.
Our doe kidded (finally!) on 3/10/11, so it's been a week. We've been trying her milk, and it still tastes a bit "off." Guess we're just impatient :lol: My question is, what can I do with the milk? It still doesn't taste good enough to drink, although each day it gets better. Can I make...
She is 7/8 nubian and 1/8 boer. She gave us triplets last time, but doesn't seem to be as big this time around. I'm hoping for twins, at least. I'm thinking it will be soon as well. Three days ago, I went down, and, I swear, her bag had doubled overnight! It still isn't really tight, though...
I have a second-time doe who is due on March 10. Last year (her-and mine-first kidding) it was really easy to feel the ligaments. They were very prominent. This time around...not so much. In fact, it is very difficult. I have been checking for weeks now (she doesn't like you to touch her...
Also a natural wormer!
You should see the small pine we have in the middle of our goat yard. Poor, pathetic thing. It is missing all it's branches up about 6 feet (as high as they can reach like 20kids said) and then it is all green and pretty. Looks like a strange christmas tree mounted on...
Wow, Oak Bucket Farm, those are great! We saved the sleeves we cut off the jacket to try something similar when our babies come. Now I kind of have a better idea how to go about it. Did you just cut slits for the legs to go through? Was it hard to get it over their heads?
Emmetts Dairy...
Thanks! I am pretty proud of my daughter. It really was a good idea. Only...now it's snowing, and guess who is standing out in it? Yep, the goats. Charlotte's coat is going to get wet and then won't do her any good:barnie I'll probably have to go down, take it off her, dry it, and then put...
Our goat, Charlotte, was shivering this morning. Not really a surprise since we had -5 temperature! Wanted to make her a coat to help her keep warm. My DD had the brilliant idea of using on old zipped-up sweatshirt jacket (size 2X). We cut off the hood and part of the sleeves. Put her front...
We grind up the meat from the old ones. Then you don't have to worry about them being tough. Use just as you would ground turkey or hamburger. Rabbit burgers are a family favorite around here:)
I beleive some ethnic groups slaughter as young as 35 lbs, With my goats that could be as young as 45 days old.
The recommended slaughter weight right now is 60 to 80 lbs for the most profit per lb. Much lighter than that you don't get enough return for you investment and much older than that...
Thanks, all, for your advice. Jodief, they do have access to free choice hay and we also use the deep litter method. Right now we are just spreading the waste hay out and letting it get deeper and deeper. It must be about 8-10 inches deep already. I noticed, though, that some of it was wet...
Her coat is already very thick. I use Molly's Herbal Wormer every week so I don't think it is that. She also gets minerals regularly. I put about 1 tbsp. on her grain every second or third day as they don't seem to eat it at all if I just leave it out for them. Maybe that's not enough? They...
The weather here has just been awful! :tongue First, we had a two day snow storm that dumped about 14 inches of snow. Then, after it cleared up, the temperature plummeted. It was -18 last night (we've never seen it that low in the 10 years we've lived here, and old timers say it has only...
Thanks, CrownofThorns. I think it should work. I'm going to go ahead and try a tablet a week per goat and watch carefully to see how they do. They get a good goat mineral, too, so I'm not sure how much they need, if any. This is such a guessing game! It can be frustrating. But 200 mcg...
OK, here is another question to throw into the mix:D I like the idea of using the selenium yeast but can't get it in my area, and shipping costs would really add to the cost making it too expensive for me. But...at Walmart I found selenium tablets in the supplement/vitamen section. They are...