I took a bunch of pictures today and wanted to share.
Rosalie the Turkey
Razz in the Sun
Emu and Goat
Running Goats
Best Friends
The Cattle under the Tree
Lyle the Turkey
Razz and her Babes
Sasha and Kiki
The Emu Guardian
It's hard to tell but it looks like a swollen lymph node to me. I'm not sure what that would suggest, though (that's why I thought at first CL but I don't know that llamas get CL). Could she have gotten a fox-tail or splinter in there that got infected?
It looks like she has haemonchus (barberpole) for sure. The last pics COULD be lungworms but they are probably hair. I've only done a fecal a couple times and with the help of an experienced vet/ goat person. I hope someone even more experienced comes along.
Oh tell me about it! They're awful! We used to have a rat infestation in our barn. Then one morning I found a HUGE dead rat in my goats' hay feeder!! It was about one foot long and fat :sick! That was the last straw so I bought "Just One Bite Bar" rat poison and I haven't seen another rat out...
What a trouble maker!!! I totally know your pain.
Whereabouts are you in Northern California? We live in Wilton and had our first rain of the season last night as well.
My nubian doe was giving me a hard time trying to dry her up. I finally stopped milking her in August (I know- a long time ago). Her udder slowly became smaller and she was no longer producing milk. I thought I had finally dried her up and all she needed to do was absorb the rest of the milk in...
These year I have been getting tons of roosters. Out of 7 silkies, 5 were roosters. Out of 10 laying mix breeds, all 10 were roosters!! Gahhh, I don't know what's up this year! I'm ending up with so many roosters that I'm not even making any money this year. I don't want so many roosters so I...
Oh :( . Personally I would not buy her if she has tested positive CAE because I have seen what CAE does to a goat and its awful. Plus it is contagious and can spread to the goats you currently have.
She's beautiful!!! And registered for $100! I say get her (and I'll be jealous ;) )
My only concern is that I don't buy goats unless they have been tested negative for CAE, (you could ask them if she has been tested) but I don't know if you do the same or care about that.
You should definitely get them the CD&T vaccine (Clostridium Perfringens Type C and D Tetanus Toxoid) because you will need to vaccinate your goats annually anyways. The toxoid is the vaccine (Toxoid: to avoid) but to treat overeating disease or tetanus, you'll want to use the antitoxin. You can...
There is a chance it is not cocci, but with scours and a young goat who is stressed to some extent, it just seems the most likely. That's why it is good to get a fecal done to find out and solve the problem before it turns bad and they start going downhill. What are you feeding them? Have they...