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  1. D1

    I am not good at breeding rabbits.

    are these first time breeders? sometimes they dont take the first old are they?.......sometimes age makes a difference.........sometimes the doe will accept the buck, however if she is not in "heat" she will not take.. try them again as for size of litter its just like all...
  2. D1

    keep word drop word

    Light bulb
  3. D1

    State a fact about the person above you

    is very obsevant as it wasnt hard to notice that Fierlin was on byc :lol:
  4. D1

    help with cage building

    1/4 or 1/2 inch vaccum hose you can get at any hardware store. tell them what you are using it for and you want the cheapest you can get.
  5. D1

    Bee keeping question

    History: I have two hives I started last year they never really got strong enough for a second brood chamber, though they sustained themselves. this year I started checking on them in January when the weather was warm andhave had larva capped brood in the hives. about two weeks ago I found one...
  6. D1

    Would you ever eat a horse?

    I would try it I guess I have ate worse Im sure
  7. D1

    Theme Songs

    and up from the came a bubbling crude ellie mae was my girl in middle school I was gonna marry her :lol::lol: good looking and played with animals what more could a redneck want in a woman :lol:
  8. D1

    selling chicken eggs

    anything over $2/ dozen here and you cant sell as the market here is not stong enough and so many people selling them. not thinking selling them to the store is gonna happen after getting the requirement for selling in the retail market and even at the farmers market.
  9. D1

    selling chicken eggs

    Long story short.........I have been approached by a convience store wa nting to purchase fresh free range chicken first they mentioned 5 dozen a week to start now wanting half dozen/6 count size as well about 4 of them per week to see how they sell......I sell eggs for $2.00 a...
  10. D1

    friends craigslist score

    $20.00 each
  11. D1

    Killed a bear today...*pics added* **GRAPHIC**

  12. D1

    Killed a bear today...*pics added* **GRAPHIC**

    what is this secret code SSS you all speack of?? it may becalled something else here
  13. D1

    Killed a bear today...*pics added* **GRAPHIC**

    I agree the bear needed to be dispatched, however I had a CO tell me if someone shoots a bear in the state of Ms the shooter better be in an ambulance on the way to the hospital when he gets there.............. I havent checked on how the law protects livestock...........I know 20 years ago when...
  14. D1

    Killed a bear today...*pics added* **GRAPHIC**

    you may want to contact your local wildlife conservation office, as they may want/need to know as there may have been or may be other cases in your area so they can be aware and keep up with the cases to help prevent an epidimic. if its legal in your state this time of the year, if not you may...
  15. D1

    One of the Three Amigo's

    wall mart sales ole roy for that........Im thinking for me :D
  16. D1

    One of the Three Amigo's

    they might be stinky and tuff as old and big as they are
  17. D1

    getting two piglets tonight !!

    thats cool I like them red pigs
  18. D1

    What is the point in hair sheep - Now what wool/meat breed is best.

    meat! would be the only reason I can think of. I would love to have sheep just for the meat aspect without having to worry about the shearing aspect as I wouldnt/dont have a market for wool in my area.
  19. D1

    bitter sweet

    bitter because after much dilberation and discussion around my house after the miscarriage of our nubian doe in the mid part of december we decided to sale the goats.... they left today going to another pasture to start a herd for someone else. The cost of food versus the market for goat...
  20. D1

    This is so seems...

    I agree, I would rather see them sell them for $5 each and someone raise them for meat or pet rather than have breeder neglect them and not have proper care. when in the dairy goat business the milk is the reason for raising goats and the more you feed to the buckling goats you are NOT going to...