He seems better. I haven't rechecked his temp yet. Even tho I'm pretty sure anything below 104.0 is normal anyway. So, he really hasn't been running a fever. He congestion is much better. I can't hear his breathing like I used to. I ordered some VetRx from Jeffers. I think it's supposed to be...
He will be the herd sire for my mini nubians. I reserved him back in January before he was born. I was wanting a blue eyed buck and him being all black is just a bonus!
Marshmallow-Mini Nubian Doe
Abigale-ND Doeling
Heavenly-ND doeling (profile picture)
Gabby Girl-Mini Nubian doeling
Tiramisu-ND doe
Buck-ND wether (irony is great)
Blue-ND buckling
and my newest guy will be
Cimmerian Shade-mini nubian buckling
I did a round of the Tylan waited a couple weeks then a round of LA-200. He is still congested and a little green goop in the corner of his eyes. No coughing or other symptoms temp in 103.8. He seems to be eating and drinking fine. I called the vet but can't get in until next Tuesday. What do...
He has blue in the center with brown on the outside. From what I've read this is considered genetically blue, so he should pass solid blue eyes on to his kids.
Not sure about rabbits, but I know for sure you should with chickens. We butchered and cooked one right away once. That was the toughest bird I have ever eaten! It was a 6 week old cornish x too not an old roo or hen. From then on we cleaned and bagged them and let them sit in the fridge for a...
I have a doe who hasa serious attitude. She gets really mad when I feel her belly or udder and rears up like she wants to headbutt me, snorts. I don't want to be to rough with her because she's expecting. I've been pushing her back down on all fours and telling her no. I hope it's just the...
We have a ton of the little buggers. Our house is surrounded by woods and lots of oak trees. My dog wouldn't chase his tail let alone a squirrel. He has absolutely zero killer instincts. Which is funny because he's half greyhound and they are supposed to love to chase small furry things. :hu
Was going to post this in the preditor/pest section but isn't really affecting my my livestock. So, I dropped off my car yesterday at the shop because it was acting funny. Turns out squirrels had a hay day with my wiring over the winter. :rant Do you have this problem and if so how do I prevent...
It's not easy to find but it's out there. I just picked some up yesterday from a place about an hour away. It is actually cheaper per bag than the Purina Goat Chow I had been buying. Downside is I had to have it specially milled and had to purchase 500lbs of the stuff. With it being spring and...
I have a mini Nubian doe who is due the end of May. She is a bit larger and bullies the heck out of my NDs. But given that she should give me 1/2-1 gallon of milk a day vs. the pint I was getting from my ND. I'm thinking I may want to switch my whole herd to the minis. I just got another doeling...
This is Marshmallow she is supposed to be due the end of May
I put my goats on a pedestal.
I think she is pretending she is flying. It's not even windy she just holds her ears like that sometimes.
This is Gabby I just got her because Marshmallow wasn't very big so I was afraid she wasn't...
Ingredients include: corn, roasted soybeans, oats, vitamin mineral premix , molasses , a cation ion mineralized supplement
I'm hoping to pick it up tomorrow. Monday at the latest.
I don't think wheat is GM. I've been doing lots of research on the subject lately. Wanting to get me, my family, and pets off the stuff. I read an article that said a common misconception is that wheat is a GMO. But corn and soy for sure.