I haven't tried feeling for ligs. The buck is in rut and doesn't like me getting to close to any of the girls back end. I've got 4 girls in the pen over that are about 8-9 months old and he is going crazy. On another note, I have another one that looks like she could go in the next few days. Her...
She's had this for a few months. I thought I got her fixed up earlier this summer. I would think maybe ring worms, but she doesn't have signs anywhere else.
Still waiting. Tomorrow marks 150 days since I put her with the buck. She hasn't started bagging up much more than what the pictures show. I'm sure she will go from one day with no udder to a balloon the next day.
She's high percentage boer. She had twins last fall. This is what she looked like just four days before she had her twins. Thanks for the compliment. I got her June 2012. She was in bad shape when I got her, I thought she might honestly die. A good worming, vaccination and feed got her in really...
I was trying to treat Barber Pole worm. She's anemic, so thus the iron shot. I gave the ivermectin orally. She seems to be doing fine today. She wasn't laying on the ground flailing in pain.
I'm hoping someone can tell me. I'm not sure what caused it? I don't know if it was the ivermectin and Dumor, the Dumor and the Iron shot, OR the Ivermectin and iron shot.
She seems to be doing OK now.
She weights about 70-80 lbs. I have the Dumor about 8 hours ago. I gave her 4 ccs of iron and 4ccs ivermectin just a few minutes ago. About 2 minutes after the iron and ivermectin, she was laying on her side, tongue out, eyse rolled back. Her rumen looked like it was enlarging, I put a syringe...
Yes 6 cc should do it. I usually do a little more because they tend to drool a little out of their mouths. I have never done this, but some people do it two times a day the first two days. You won't see much of a difference until day 3 or 4. But by day 5 they are cleared up. You may want to make...
1 ounce is about 6 teaspoons.
The package says 3 oz (18 teaspoons) for 32 OZ (1 quart). You're not going to use that much for one kid. It only stores for three days.
Mix 6 teaspoons in 11 OZ of water. It will still be a little much and you'll have to throw some away.
Give at 1cc per 10 lbs.
I use the CORID powder from TSC and like the results. Let me look in my messages and I will tell you the mixing ratio using volume instead of weight like the package says.
I like the cattle panels because you can rotate pastures with out having two different fenced in areas. Just move the panels. Plus, it is a lot easier to put up than field fence. You don't have to have big strong corner posts for the panels like you do for the field fence. Unfortunately the...
Does the puss have a smell? If it doesn't have a smell and is of the consistency of which you say, I would get it tested. I've read that CL can be transmitted to humans.
I use to get that from Jeffers too, but it was back ordered this time last year and they said it would be the beginning of 2013 before they would have more, so I stopped giving it.