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  1. SmallFarmGirl


    :welcome Are you the symphony from byc? What animals do you have?
  2. SmallFarmGirl

    TTs Critter Pics & Ramblings

    Hi! Are you symphony from byc?
  3. SmallFarmGirl

    New from Ohio

  4. SmallFarmGirl

    Hello from OR!!!

  5. SmallFarmGirl

    I think Walter is sick **update**

    I wish I could help. I think brining him to the vet is the best thing you can do.
  6. SmallFarmGirl

    tail ligament for goats in labor? need some quick advice.

    Ligaments feel like guitar strings when normal. When not they dissapear or seem loose. WHen you can wrap your hand around your tail that means TONIGHT. Good luck! :pop
  7. SmallFarmGirl

    count as high as possible before staff posts

    5............Hey ferlin! How yah doing??? I'm bored! Isn't that EXCITING! I'm soooo having soooo much fun!
  8. SmallFarmGirl


    I thought that was exstinct? Guess I was wrong. EDITED: I was wrong... :lol:
  9. SmallFarmGirl

    Does this sound like Goat Polio? **UPDATE**

    :hugs :hit how sad... I'm sorry for your loss, but I can't help you. :( Have you contacted your vet?
  10. SmallFarmGirl

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Me neither!! Did you know that they only live a week or two after they go the stage where they turn into a "butterfly"??? After they're at that "stage" they don't have mouths, so they can't eat so.... they quick find a mate then finish all that stuff and die! :D Wouldn't you like to be a...
  11. SmallFarmGirl

    Whether goat acting like a buck

    Exactly! You could either give him away or get used to the lovely buckiness. :lol:
  12. SmallFarmGirl

    Doeling Nipping!

    She might be trying to get your attention. I would give her a little tap next time she does it. If she keeps misbehaving ignore her. Show her nipping and pushing won't get your attention. If she behaves and waits, THEN give her attention. Don't push her back though, It will just say, "This is...
  13. SmallFarmGirl

    Show us your Livestock Guardians

    Gumbo, 4-5 years??? He is a good watch dog and has tried to herd chickens before. He is smart loving and I couldn't ask for a better lap dog! He's the best guardian I've got! :lol: :rolleyes: He's not as large, but he's a good guard!
  14. SmallFarmGirl

    How do I compost goat poop and straw...

    I just put it all in the composter. Then every so often I give it a turn! That's it for me. I think water would make it stinky, but I guess you could. If it seems to dry you could add a little soil or water. I don't think you should let it dry. I also scrap of poo from the toys and put that in...
  15. SmallFarmGirl

    Roll Farms - Herdstock is over, and I'm feeling hung over, lol

    Love it all! :D I love fiddles too. He looks like he belongs in a doctor suess book with that poof of hair!!! So cute!
  16. SmallFarmGirl

    Howdy from WI!

  17. SmallFarmGirl

    Under Usernames, names?

    When you say change, do you mean YOU change it or it by it's self changes. You can only change it if your a GHM. Read about it here: Otherwise, it will change the more you post:
  18. SmallFarmGirl

    Getting year old goats

    I would go with already dis-budded. It takes alot of time and effort to help a banded goat. It can also be messy,bloody, and they may grow back. :welcome
  19. SmallFarmGirl

    Hello from Ohio
