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  1. Kristi

    my first kidding thread - Update! Triplets!

    Argh, no. The booger. I kept going out last night to check on her, and she'd just chew her cud and look at me like, "What?" LOL!
  2. Kristi

    my first kidding thread - Update! Triplets!

    Got the barn :) Good thing too, looks like I'll be sleeping in it tonight....Clem's in labor! Right on schedule, the silly girl.
  3. Kristi

    Wasn't going to start a herd ;)

    Thanks, elevan. The round pen is a horse corral - panels set in a circle. I'm not sure how hard these two will work to escape. We'll probably end up going with what we have, and adding expense/work if needed. They're all coming next weekend, and we have a busy week in between. Plus this...
  4. Kristi

    Pregnant doe and pine

    Is Ponderosa only toxic during pregnancy? Can they eat it when not pg? Will it affect their milk? OK for babies? My goats love the pine needles, and I'm pretty sure they're ponderosa. Been mostly keeping them away during pregnancy, but would love to let them clean it up afterward.
  5. Kristi

    Wasn't going to start a herd ;) you know how I said I didn't want to start a whole herd of goats? Yeah...well....:lol:. As we wait impatiently for Clementine to kid, we are being gifted with a horse! (sweet horse, daughter's dream come true) She comes with all the trappings, including her two companion goats...
  6. Kristi

    my first kidding thread - Update! Triplets!

    Yep, turning into a crazy goat lady already. I can see them from the kitchen window, which means I only have to go out there and check on them every half hour or so, lol! :lol:
  7. Kristi

    my first kidding thread - Update! Triplets!

    Here's Clementine today. Giving me the evil eye for pestering her with the camera, lol.
  8. Kristi

    my first kidding thread - Update! Triplets!

    I've so enjoyed seeing everybody's babies, I thought I'd start a kidding thread to share ours. We are new to goats (bought them in January), and this will be our first kidding. First for us people...third for each of the goats. Clementine is due first. She was bred before we got her, and...
  9. Kristi

    CD&T before kidding ??

    OK, so I received it and gave Clementine (the one due in a couple weeks) a dose today according to the bottle. Gave it SQ in her armpit. She didn't even flinch, which was nice. Do I give some to the babies at some point as well? 2 ml, like mom? Do I give her another dose in 21 days, per the...
  10. Kristi

    CD&T before kidding ??

    Thanks! I'm pretty sure my local feed store doesn't have it (maybe just out right now?), so I ended up ordering some from Caprine Supply.
  11. Kristi

    CD&T before kidding ??

    One of my alpines is exactly 3 weeks away from her due date. She's getting really big and is starting to develop an udder. This is her 3rd freshening. When I got her, her previous owners said she had never seen a vet, and they preferred to do everything naturally. I don't know what that...
  12. Kristi

    Building a goat milking/kidding barn - question

    Bossroo, thanks for your reply...but I don't know what it means! Maybe I need more coffee first ;) Are you saying my design is bad? Leave the wall solid otherwise they'll destroy it? Did I overexplain, and now nobody knows what I'm asking? (I tend to do that! LOL!) ?????
  13. Kristi

    Building a goat milking/kidding barn - question

    Hubby and I are building a shed/barn for my goat shenanigans, lol. It's going to be 12 x 16, half dedicated to hay storage, and half to a couple of kidding stalls and a milking area. I'm so excited, I have a big ol' window by the milk stanchion and everything :D Question about the kidding...
  14. Kristi

    breeding my alpine doe with a nigerian buck?

    Well, the deed is done :) Poor little short guy, needed something to stand on, lol! And she wouldn't hold still very well. But her signs of heat stopped after that day, so I'm hoping that means it took. Meanwhile her sister, Clementine, is 2 1/2 mo along and is starting to look pretty fat :)
  15. Kristi

    Goats and Chickens?

    I have one bantam rooster who's living with our two alpine does. He got mean and went after the children, so he got tossed in the goat pen. All three of them went nuts, squawking, headbutting, running around in circles. Like they'd all lost their minds, LOL! That was a couple days ago, now...
  16. Kristi

    green-shouldered carrots ok?

    Thanks for the replies. They do love them. Just wanted to make sure the green part was ok. So funny to feed them treats - one's favorite is broccoli, the other likes apples best. The pushy one is, well, pushy. The quiet one will steal treats out of the pushy one's mouth and eat right in...
  17. Kristi

    coccidosis? pics

    Hi all, I am fairly new to BYH and have been posting in the Goats section, but have a question about rabbits I was hoping I could run by you. My neighbor's meat rabbit buck died last night and she didn't have time to process him or anything, so she offered him to me. She didn't know why he'd...
  18. Kristi

    green-shouldered carrots ok?

    I am canning & dehydrating 50 lb of carrots for the cutting off the green shoulders...wondered if they were ok to feed my two alpines? They love carrots but I'm not sure if the green parts are toxic. Both goats are pregnant, if that makes a difference. For that matter, are they...
  19. Kristi

    breeding my alpine doe with a nigerian buck?

    Thanks for the feedback. I think I will give the guy a call, if she goes into heat again, which should be soon if the season isn't over for her. If she has a buckling, could I use him to breed her and her sister in the future? Would those kids also be considered mini alpines? Found this...
  20. Kristi

    breeding my alpine doe with a nigerian buck?

    I bought my Alpine doe Talulah as already bred, but it didn't take (she apparently was in heat about 3 wks after her breeding date. I'm getting that from y'all's answers to my questions, I'm new to goats). Taking her back to the previous owner (who used a friend's buck) is too far to drive...