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  1. H

    Nothing to do with anything other than bottle babies (venting) :p

    Sounds like they may not be getting enough to eat. Never had that problem, although my nubian doeling can be a loud mouth.
  2. H

    Is it ok to wean a buckling by himself?

    Why can't you wean him w/ his dad?
  3. H

    Bucky had a deluxe castration procedure at OSU today!!

    Mounting at this age is completely normal, my doe kids mount each other, my buckling mounts the dog, it's just normal baby behavior. It can be done at any age, I just worry about the increased risks of UC doing it so early.
  4. H

    New babies -- Seven x Valentino. :D

    He is something! That's the type of spots I love, this was my favorite marked nubian, I lost him a few days after he turned 6 months. I love the huge spots!
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    Bucky had a deluxe castration procedure at OSU today!!

    I probably would have waited til closer to 8 weeks, but sounds like it was an interesting experince!
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    Doe in Labor/kidded C-section...Pics added

    My second choice after goat milk, is whole milk from the store, or raw cow's milk. For the first few days to a week (depending on how well the kid is doing) I feed everytime the kid is hungry, then start working them onto a 4 hour schedule through the day, no feedings at night. In your case what...
  7. H

    Tell me abou tthe paint gene

    Is it just me or do their pasterns look swollen? They are cute, I bet they'll really be something when they finish shedding out and get alittle shine going! I don't see any pinto, but they are really adorable! And I love the name!
  8. H

    a few questions

    I'm late on this I guess and going back to the first question, depending on the temperment of your does you can probably put them back together now. You may have had less trouble if they'd been together all along. I don't put my does alone, everyone that is close is moved to the kidding pen and...
  9. H

    New Goat Mama of 2 Kids with some questions

    I'd stick w/ atleast 3 feedings aday, my 4 week old kid is still getting 4 feedings a day. Keep the hay and water avaliable, they'll find it eventually, sometimes it just takes time, especially when there's no one to show them. Once he's castrated he'll no longer be a buck, so shouldn't be...
  10. H

    Taming a dangerous buck

    You could also band his horns if they aren't to big. Personally I would not allow an aggressive buck to keep his man hood. I've never had an aggressive buck, but I have castrated adults (not w/ a band, the oldest I have banded was 6 months)
  11. H

    Tell me abou tthe paint gene

    First, it's pinto, not Paint. And spots in the socks do not mean pinto, however how tall the socks are may. Post a pic and that will help! Tobiano is dominate, so if she is we should be able to tell by looking, overo is alittle more difficult, for one thing there are different types of overo...
  12. H

    Taming a dangerous buck

    He's not to old to castrate.
  13. H

    How young is too young to disbud?

    You should be able to disbud now, I had a kid this year born w/ very obvious horn buds. I did his at 2 or 3 days! Youngest I've ever done, but I didn't want to wait to long.
  14. H

    Dehorning/disbudding older kids

    I disbudder (of any kind) will not work at this point. I have banded at that age, the band needs to go under the horns, you should be able to feel the indent where the horn starts, that's where the band goes, and you'll probably have to put some tape to hold it on. It's alot easier to band...
  15. H

    Bottle Feeding Boer Babies

    My bottle calves ALWAYS act hungry, but my bottle goats only act hungry at feeding time.
  16. H

    Preparing to wean kids for the first time - advice please ...

    I would never wean before 8 weeks. This year my only keeper kids are bottle raised, so the dam raised kids are put in the barn a week before going to their new homes. Although in the past it seems to work well to remove the does instead of the kids, by the time I wean (generally 10-12 weeks old...
  17. H

    Keeping a Wethered buckling/buck

    These are my two nubian wethers, Onyx is solid black and disbudded, Riply is the spotted one and horned, A wether is no more difficult then a doe, so if you are comfortable w/ your does he should be fine!
  18. H

    Bottle Feeding Boer Babies

    How old are they? Every 4 hours sounds good, but I generally let them eat as much as they want at each feeding.
  19. H

    World's smallest horse?

    I'd want to see it as an adult then deside, it's cute, it's head looks alittle dwarfie to me. Baby animals are hard to resist, I think that's why they show them as babies instead of adults! I would never 'assume' it will be the World's tiniest horse, it's got a long way to go before it's fully...
  20. H

    Calf Questions

    He's adorable! And I'm very close to you! We're practically neighbors! You should be able to feel for little horn buds to know if he's polled, I 'think' most jerseys are horned. One thing to keep in mind about the horns, most those farmers that don't, also don't raise them up as pets. You can...