The first set of hatching eggs are being shipped out today! A lady in Fredericksburg, Texas is getting a set of 8 Ameraucana eggs this week. Speaking of eggs, we will not be listing them in our General Store on the website this year. We'll be incubating a large portion of eggs this year, so eggs...
I've pretty much decided to take Penny to the auction barn when she's weaned. She's a pretty goat, but something is just not right. She's awfully... dingy... acting. Hubby keeps asking, "Is she stupid or something?" I'm starting to think so.
The garden is progressing - we have lettuce and...
The lettuce I planted about 2 weeks ago is starting to come up! :weee
Penny is improving, but it's slow going. She is following the rest of the herd now and is trying to play with Bunny's 2 doelings. She's still clumsy, but it's better than walking in circles and then laying down to rest. I've...
Can you get some pictures of her udder and vulva? From the angle of the pictures, she doesn't look very far along to me, but it could just be the angle.
The vets around here are just not willing to do anything for livestock. They will see and treat horses, however.
I did find a vet who I could use if it was an absolute emergency. Her minimum trip fee is $200 and she charges an additional $1 per mile she has to travel. She's about 150 miles one...
Agreed. She's getting it twice a day and Pen G every 8 hours.
Unfortunately, I cannot get straight Thiamine right now. I'm having to use what I can get. Vets in my area are simply not willing to treat goats and/or write Rx's for caprine meds.
That's correct for mammals. For birds (such as chickens), things are different. The hen actually determines the gender of offspring. ;)
They are pretty, even though they are not exactly what you wanted.
Chances are she passed it and probably ate it. The string of green, bloody goo is normal discharge after giving birth.
Check her temp - if she has a temp, that's a sign of infection, which could mean she has not passed the placenta.
As long as the doe is accepting the kids, they are probably...
I had to buy some more syringes and needles from the feed store today. I just bought some earlier in the week, so I got put on their "druggie" watch list. :/
Ligaments start to loosen a month or more before kidding. It still could be a while, especially if her udder is still small and her vulva hasn't gotten loose.
I have better luck udder watching that through feeling ligaments. The day before kidding, her udder will fill. Before kidding, it will...