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  1. Rebbetzin

    PVC Trellis Finally Blooming!!

    It is a sort of "trumpt" vine. I should have kept the tag on it so I could know exactly what kind of plant it is.
  2. Rebbetzin

    He Hears Even Our Unspoken Thoughts.

    Many times I spend my time in the garden just thinking about different things, sometimes I pray, and just talk with the Holy One. Last Friday, I was just thinking, "Hey, in all the years I have lived here I have never seen a frog or a toad in the garden." In the summer, we have Colorado River...
  3. Rebbetzin

    PVC Trellis Finally Blooming!!

    I have waited all summer to have flowers on the trellis in the front yard! FINALLY! Here is a close up, You can't see the flowers so good from far away.
  4. Rebbetzin

    Birthday Aprons (PIX)

    I like to make aprons as gifts for my grandchildren. These are the latest ones. Jonah (5 yrs old) whose nickname is "Donut." He says his favorite color is pink. So... I figured I'd make the decorations on his apron doughnuts, with pink frosting and chocolate sprinkles. Close up of "J"...
  5. Rebbetzin

    Post Some Pics Of Your Goat Shelters!

    I'll take some photos on Monday or Tuesday and see how they turn out. I think my friends did a great job of building a goat shed out of totally recycled stuff.
  6. Rebbetzin

    What To Do With Goaty Milk

    I use my "goaty" milk for making soap. In fact I freeze it in ziplock bags in just the amount needed for a batch of soap. On Tuesdays I milk, I get about between 1.5 and 2 gallons. Then by Sunday/Monday, the milk is getting a bit goaty. I now have LOTS of frozen goat milk. I plan to drink it...
  7. Rebbetzin

    Farming In My Genes. (PIX)

    I have this feeling I NEED to be on a farm! Both sides of my family were farmers for many generations. Here is a photo page I made a while back for one of my grandsons. It is of my dad and his dad.
  8. Rebbetzin

    Goat Mayhem!!

    AT 5:30am for the morning milking I NEVER put on make up. But, ifor the evening milking, depending what other things I have been doing all day, like having lunch out with my husband!I could very well have made myself all "pretty."
  9. Rebbetzin

    Goat Mayhem!!

    Two weeks ago it was a real free for all at the milking shed. I had just finished milking "Shortnin" the head doe, and when I let her out of the shed, the three other does pushed past me and ran to the back milk stand and gobbled up the bit of grain left in the bowl! Here they are the naughty...
  10. Rebbetzin

    Moring Glories Gone Wild (PIX)

    Yesterday, after a bit of rain over the night, the Morning Glories were very happy. I noticed one of the vines has climbed up the Pine Tree. The arch is about 8 ft tall, so I am not sure how far up the vine goes, but it is VERY high up in the tree. Yesterday afternoon about 3:00pm we got...
  11. Rebbetzin

    Formal Introduction (PIX)

    Well, I finally named the chicks. Here they are... Sonya is the bravest of the chicks. They will all now take things from my hand, through the wire... But, they are not as "skiddish" as before. Spartacus can walk right by the pen, and they don't even move away anymore.
  12. Rebbetzin

    Spartacus likes watching "Chicken TV"

    This is how Spartacus likes to spend time these days. Just watching the chicks. I wasn't fast enough with the camera to get a photo when they are "nose to beak" at the wire!! I was able to catch and hold "Sonya" this morning. I finally named them!! Sonya... lighter of the red sex links...
  13. Rebbetzin

    Video of Motorcycle trip on Facebook

    Last Sunday we went to lunch up on Mt. Lemmon to get out of the heat. Here is a link to a video one of the guys made of the trip. It is a 17 minute video. I can't see it!! We are still on dial up!! But, if someone would like to let me know what it looks like that would be great...
  14. Rebbetzin

    New Visitor to Front Garden Birdbath

    That is funny!! The thing is when the hawks are around you don't even hear another bird making a sound! All the birds run for cover! On PBS last night, they had a bird program, that said the local hawks protect the Humming Bird nests form preditors. We do have lots of Humming Birds in our...
  15. Rebbetzin

    milk jugs

    I use quart and half gallon canning jars. Right from the bucket to a canning jar.The wide mouth jars work great with milking filters. I like glass. Easy to clean and sterilze.
  16. Rebbetzin

    Beautiful Sunset Tuesday Night. (PIX)

    Here are a series of photos of the sky as the sun was going down. I should have gone outside the goatpen to take that last photo!! Isn't it pretty. One thing we do have, is nice sunsets.
  17. Rebbetzin

    New Visitor to Front Garden Birdbath

    This morning I was surprised to see this hawk at the birdbath. She, I think it's a she, let me come very close to her( about 6 to 8 feet) and get her photo I took about 30 photos! Some with the flash, and she just looked at me, no fear. I think she is pretty. I won't be letting my chickens...
  18. Rebbetzin

    Buck stink!

    But today is only the 10th???
  19. Rebbetzin

    Toy Miniature Cheviots

    That is a tiny goat!!
  20. Rebbetzin

    My new Nigerian doeling

    She is very pretty!!