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  1. rollingmeadow

    Oberhasli x Boer crosses

    I did see a video once on youtube of a obey with obey x boer kids.
  2. rollingmeadow

    Ear tags

    They DID implement NAIS. Wisconsin and one other State incorporated it into their state law. The USDA gave Wisconsin a cooperative agreement "incentive" or more correctly a 35 million dollar bribe to adopt NAIS and WHO standards. They tried to sneak it in the back door of States after it...
  3. rollingmeadow

    Meat vs. Dairy?

    What about Kiko? A meat goat that is said to be hardier and more parasite resistant than Boer. They are used for clearing land and are usually left to their own for long periods of time without much trouble.
  4. rollingmeadow

    Goats and chickens

    Chickens actually control parasites. Multi-species grazing has been shown to substantially reduce parasite loads of sheep, goats, and cattle. They scratch and break up manure, exposing it to soil microorganisms that destroy the parasites. They also clean pasture by eating anything that...
  5. rollingmeadow

    Boer/Nubian cross?

    I've been doing a lot of research on boers lately since I will be starting with goats next spring. From what I've learned about meat goats is that they are bred to only milk for as long as needed to get kids to market age. Long lactation is discouraged because most meat goats are range animals...
  6. rollingmeadow

    How does registration work with AI (semen)?

    I'm finally going to start with goats next spring and I have so many questions. I'm exploring the idea of using AI at first so I can start small and breed up without investing in multiple bucks. I'll be raising fullblood boers semi-seriously with plans to make this my retirement business...
  7. rollingmeadow

    Forming "composite breeds" to gain a market edge, opinions wanted

    What is your market? Auction house, slaughter house, distribution, direct sales? Live market, packaged meat? Ethnic market? I'm researching all this myself trying to figure out which kind of market to "breed to". I'm curious about how others are marketing and the different kinds of...
  8. rollingmeadow

    kencove electric netting-Is it really good enough for mini goats?

    I'm looking at Kencove's 40 or 48" portable electric netting for poultry. Is the electric netting type portable fencing like Kencove has really adequate for small mini goat breeds? Anyone have real world experience with this netting for goats? I am pasturing poultry but do not want to invest...
  9. rollingmeadow

    All your natural Mastitis treatments *Update pg 4*

    Has anyone considered colloidal silver? Google "colloidal silver". It isn't well known since antibiotics where invented but before that it was used everywhere. It's still used in treating burns and wounds. You can add it to the water or drench like an antibiotic while also washing the...
  10. rollingmeadow

    Freezing milk?

    Has anyone tried freezing extra goat milk? Will frozen milk work for making cheese? If frozen correctly how long can you store frozen milk and still be suitable for drinking? I am trying to decide on a standard or mini breed mainly because I think a standard would produce too much milk for...
  11. rollingmeadow

    What makes milker vacuum pumps different?

    For you milking machine experts out there. What makes the vacuum pumps used for milking machines unique? Are these pumps somehow different than general vacuum pumps? Example: would a general use vacuum pump that has a level of 28.3" of mercury and a consumption of 4.2 CFM @ 90 PSI be able to...
  12. rollingmeadow

    Nigerian Dwarfs and milking

    What kind of breast pump do you use? I am looking at converting a breast pump unit into a mini goat milking machine. Electric breast pumps are way cheaper than cow/goat vacuum milkers. They are a dime a dozen on ebay. What model do you have?
  13. rollingmeadow

    Newbie-pulsator, surge? differences, how do they work?

    Sorry for this newbie question. Exactly how do all the different kinds and components of milkers work? What are the different kinds and how do they work differently (pulsator, surge?)? What do they have in common? How does the vacuum pump fit it? What kind of vacuum pump is required? Does...
  14. rollingmeadow

    where to find mini oberhasli in Wisconsin?

    Any one know a breeder or source for mini oberhasli in Wisconsin?
  15. rollingmeadow

    how to breed black/white colored oberhasli cross

    I would like any breeders thoughts about producing a black/white pied/spotted oberhasli cross. Example: a high quality BLACK oberhasli doe crossed with a ?? patterned goat of any breed will likely produce a Holstein cow type pattern.