They are an ideal homestead goat. One of the few breeds that give good amounts of milk, and also good amount of meat.
Mine are hardy, intelligent, and full of personality.
Feel free to check out my website:
I am so sorry this is happening to you. :( Sounds like a horrible situation, and you are really doing everything you can.
Reasons like this is exactly why I only buy registered and tested goats. They also all get quarantined. There are too many icky germs out there, and it's just not worth the...
All the goats got their CDT shots. Kidding season is soon!
Angeliese my favorite girl. She is GIANT.
Cholena is very pretty.
Cinderella, she is my spoiled girl. Daughter of Goatie is who my avatar picture.
Kuzco and Juno are excited about spring.
Jasmine, another of my...
Oops! I had already forgotten about this thread.
Everyone is doing good. We had a lot of snow, and now it's raining. Yuck. Everything is a swamp. Can't wait for it to dry out and warm up.
First goats are due in about 2 weeks. Little udders are blooming, it's so exciting.
No pictures because...
I woke up sick this morning, but I powered through it.
All the does got their feet trimmed, and every goat got their copper bolus and their Bo-Se. Whew! That was a chore. Hoping their fur won't look so rough now.
My copper bolus' arrived today, which means tomorrow is hoof trim/copper bolus/Bo-Se shot day. Yuck!
Babies will start arriving in March, can't wait. :D
I wanted to post an update!
We tried many things, including a shock collar but nothing seemed to correct his bad behavior. Kuzco lived with the horse up until summer of last year I believe. So he would have been around 1.5 years old. Then he began digging holes under the fence and getting in...
More dog pictures! I think it is hilarious that every time you look at the dogs their ears go back. They look like they have no ears most of the time.
Juno as a puppy! She was SO adorable.
I could not get any good pictures of her today. She is a bundle of energy! But she looks a lot...
All photos from August except the girls picture.
Kuzo and Juno. They both look quite a bit different now, but this picture is just so cute. Juno still has her puppy fur in this picture.
Some of my girls back in December.
Mac one of this year's bucklings. He is very cool.
My pet...
Howdy guys! I had completely forgotten about this place, and have been MIA for a couple years now.
Just thought I would start over, and reintroduce myself. I'm sure there are a lot of new and different people on here, it's crazy to think I joined way back in 2009!
Hi I'm Kelsee, I have a large...
Wow weird. I haven't been on BYH for a couple years I don't believe, and I randomly pop in and see this post.
I am still actively selling Kinder goats. You can email at for any questions you might have.
I'm free over December and I'd love to do some design work for some of the BYH folks.
I'm trying to expand my portfolio so prices are very low for custom design.
You can see my portfolio website at
I can do logos, business cards, complete websites, banners, ads, pretty...
I wonder thought about the quality of forage in those pictures. I'm from the Mid West. So what my girls eat is mostly straight green grass. I'd think grass or bushes/leaves our have a lot more nutritional value than sage brush and the sticky looking forage out west.
But honestly I have no...
Kinder means gentle nature in English.
Your right, in German it means children.
So who knows which one she named it after... Maybe both? I know I've read about it before, but my memory escapes me.
The original breeder picked that name.
Kinder literately means having a gentle nature.
I supposed she named them that because they have outstanding personalities.
I always wanted to breed Mini Manchas! They were my second choice, and I'd still love to get one some day.
My website is missing at least 10 of my goats though. My camera broke. :/ I'm asking for one for Christmas. So hopefully I'll be able to update it soon, and get lots of pictures of my upcoming babies.