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  1. Calendula

    Hello from South Carolina

    My Teddy is chocolate with a little bit of white!
  2. Calendula


    Welcome to BYH! This is a great place to learn about raising anything! I also have chickens, and Nigerian Dwarf and Nubian milk goats! I hope you enjoy them!
  3. Calendula

    Hello from South Carolina

    Welcome to BYH! I am a fellow goat person, and also have a Nigerian Dwarf buck named Teddy! :)
  4. Calendula

    Kaye's other than rabbits journal

    Oh, baby chicks! Please get some pictures up because I want more so badly. ;) I have a single black Australorp hen and she goes broody every chance she gets, but she's a great mama. Love those Australorps, but I also have different breeds that keep laying. haha.
  5. Calendula

    Exciting Breeding Lineups

    There's so many good breedings! I can't wait to see all of the adorable kids and lambs this spring. :) For us, we're hoping to be able to use our bucklings born this spring. :fl They're both Nigerians, named Easter and Teddy. Easter was born here and Teddy was purchased. Teddy is a registered...
  6. Calendula

    Calendula's Journal -- Nubian Pictures

    You're probably right, @CntryBoy777 She was already trying to blame me for a ton of things. "They" being the IRS or whoever audits taxes, @Bruce She ended up throwing out my timesheet and claiming it "wasn't her job to keep track of where I kept things." I know she threw it out because I...
  7. Calendula

    Calendula's Journal -- Nubian Pictures

    Thank you, @Bruce!! That is my other problem! I've been doing this accounting thing in school enough now to know that if you may one little mistake THREE years ago, and it comes popping back up three years later, you will more than likely have to go all the way back and ALL of your books, taxes...
  8. Calendula

    Calendula's Journal -- Nubian Pictures

    Thank you, @CntryBoy777! Being new to the business world, I called my mother crying after I left work and told her what had happened. I wasn't sure if it was normal and she told me that threatening not to pay me isn't just not right, but it's also illegal. It's her loss indeed! The work I was...
  9. Calendula

    Calendula's Journal -- Nubian Pictures

    Quick update that I'm kind of just writing to help myself stop shaking, and to make it feel more real! I'm quitting my "internship"! Today was the last straw. She told me to do something manually that I have never done before and have no idea HOW to do (hence why I'm an INTERN), so she told me...
  10. Calendula

    ADGA Registration?

    Thanks for the help! I was getting some conflicting advice, but now I think I know what to do.
  11. Calendula

    ADGA Registration?

    I'm finally going to do it. I'm finally going to become a member of the ADGA, just one thing... On the form, for "Membership Name," should I put my name, or the farm's name? Is there a separate form to register your herd name like there is with the ARBA? Will the "Membership Name" affect who...
  12. Calendula

    Calendula's Journal -- Nubian Pictures

    And then with the farm on top of that... :thBoyfriend and I are going camping this upcoming weekend with some friends. We won't be gone even twenty-four hours, so I won't even get a chore break from the animals, but maybe it will still be relaxing? :lol: That was all we could fit in around...
  13. Calendula


    Hello, and welcome to BYH! :) I also have meat rabbits and we were going to go with Silver Foxes, but instead ended up with Rexes. Haha. Our first litter didn't go well, either. :( I know that a lot of times, first time mother rabbits will lose a lot of their litter and we ended up with only...
  14. Calendula

    Hello From WA!

    I was looking into getting a working Border Collie! Or just some kind of herding dog to help out... I keep going in circles, but might finally stick with a Border Collie. :lol: Just need to find some breeders... I love you goats! Especially Minx. Love her coloring.
  15. Calendula

    Luvmypets Journal: A New Season

    Your sheep and alpacas are so beautiful. :) I'm having the same dilemma with the whole "we have to eat those ones" thing and trying to turn a profit. We've started raising meat rabbits, and it's just so hard to part with them. I am not looking forward to butchering.
  16. Calendula

    Calendula's Journal -- Nubian Pictures

    Thank you! There's so much I want to do, but so little time in the day... and so few weekends and days off! Haha. I can't wait until college is done and I have my degree. I feel like I'll have so much more time on my hands, but that's years away. :th And then I'll have to take my CPA exam... It...
  17. Calendula

    Calendula's Journal -- Nubian Pictures

    So I feel like every time I say "I'll be active more, life has finally slowed down!", it takes off AGAIN and I'm stuck trying to patch everything together. I'm going to update this mostly for my benefit so in the future, I can look back and be proud of what I've accomplished. I already am. ;) I...
  18. Calendula


    This happened to me just yesterday. One of my grow-outs that was separated managed to get out of her cage, and we couldn't find her anywhere inside the barn. We had to leave, so we left the door open a crack and left. When we got home, sure enough, she was sitting outside the door and we managed...
  19. Calendula

    Meat Rabbir Colony Plans

    I have been raising my meat rabbits in a colony setting, but I am in a very different area, so it is easier. Haha. Mine are kept in a corner of the barn, on cement, to keep them from digging burrows because although I like most of the colony idea, I did NOT like the idea of not being able to...
  20. Calendula

    Six week old kid not taking bottle

    It took a LOT of convincing, but I got the vet to come back out and get a fecal done. No worms. But she does have some coccidia. I am planning on separating her from the pregnant does and kids to a separate pasture with one of our wethers. Does that seem good? She'll be stressed enough from...