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  1. 1littlefarmer

    Lactating sow with diarrhea

    Hi all, I have a Guinea hog sow that just gave birth on Thursday. She's doing really well with the piglets but she seems to be developing diarrhea. I should add that this is her first farrowing. I haven't changed her feed at all (Purina Pig and Sow along with hay) but now that she's separated...
  2. 1littlefarmer

    They're Here!

    That's what I was hoping. I have a web cam in their stall so I'll keep an eye on them.
  3. 1littlefarmer

    They're Here!

    Thanks! That's good information. Now I have another question. Both kids nursed a couple of times briefly last night but I haven't seen them nurse since. This morning I've tried to put them on her teat but they just cry at me. Should I keep trying or since they know where it is they'll find...
  4. 1littlefarmer

    They're Here!

    My sweet Alex had two bucklings tonight! All went well but I have one question. Along with Mamma and her new boys I have an almost one year old doe and I'm not sure if I need to separate her from the bucklings. She's already butted the little one once and I don't know if she'll be...
  5. 1littlefarmer

    Do you butcher your own pigs? How do you store the meat?

    It turned out real nice! We just had a delicious ham for Christmas dinner and have been enjoying lots of sausage and bacon! Thanks again for all your help!
  6. 1littlefarmer

    Do you butcher your own pigs? How do you store the meat?

    So once upon a time the weather was supposed to be cold this week but I'm watching the temperature rise into the low 40's where I'm hanging the pig and the weather channel just adjusted the forecast highs for the next few days are going to be mid 40's. Do I need to cut this up now and get it in...
  7. 1littlefarmer

    Do you butcher your own pigs? How do you store the meat?

    Well, the pig is hanging in four parts in the garage now. Thanks especially to Liz/Cornish Heritage and OhioFarmGirl for the advice and encouragement. I'm going to let it hang until middle of the week and then either get the cuts into the brine or the freezer!
  8. 1littlefarmer

    Do you butcher your own pigs? How do you store the meat?

    As I understand it (but hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong), stress causes adrenaline and other hormones to rise and they are then left in the muscle at the time of death which makes the meat tough.
  9. 1littlefarmer

    Do you butcher your own pigs? How do you store the meat?

    Wow, Liz, Thanks so much! That's really great information. What was it that you didn't like about the hams in the brine? We would like to avoid the nitrates, if we can but not at the expense of not liking the ham... I'm actually hoping to be able to slice the ham deli thin if at all possible...
  10. 1littlefarmer

    Do you butcher your own pigs? How do you store the meat?

    I definitely have more, too. This is just me getting started. :)
  11. 1littlefarmer

    Do you butcher your own pigs? How do you store the meat?

    My wife and I will be butchering a pig in a few weeks and I've been researching a LOT on the cuts and storage but I still have a few questions. Most of the meat will be cut, vacuum packed, and put in the freezer but the ham and bacon have me perplexed. I think I want to salt (dry) cure and...
  12. 1littlefarmer

    Possible Accidental Breeding to 6 month old ND

    Ok. Thanks, all. I'll check in with my vet this next week.
  13. 1littlefarmer

    Possible Accidental Breeding to 6 month old ND

    Hi, I have a ND buck on loan that accidentally got in with my 6 month old Nigerian Dwarf doe. They were together less than 3 minutes but I know she's in heat. So many questions... What are the chances she's pregnant? How dangerous is it if she is? Is there anything I can do at this point to...
  14. 1littlefarmer

    Opinion on this mix of feed?

    Thanks for your response. I'm pretty sure the ingredients are only what's listed. The hay I give them typically has some alfalfa in it and I give them this protein/mineral supplement. Would that make it any better? and as for calcium to phosphorus... any suggestions as to how to figure that...
  15. 1littlefarmer

    Opinion on this mix of feed?

    So I just found a relatively local farmer that grows and mixes grain for animal feed. At $9.50 for 50 pounds it definitely has an appeal and it's a "whole" food. Does this look like it would be a good mix? I have two Nigerian Dwarf does, one of which will hopefully be pregnant soon...
  16. 1littlefarmer

    Really new milker questions ***Updated with Pictures!***

    This is Alexandra with my girls. Alexandra on the milk stand This is Q-Tip, the loaner Dam. And her little girl, Brownie. And this is all of them on the milk stand!
  17. 1littlefarmer

    Really new milker questions ***Updated with Pictures!***

    So I just got some new Nigerian Dwarf goats :weee One that's a year old, one that's two weeks old, and her dam as a loaner until she's weaned or until her owner wants to breed her. She has said I can milk the dam if I would like (she's actually encouraged it to help keep her udder even) but I...
  18. 1littlefarmer

    can bee harm a chicken rabbit or goat?

    I don't know if any of these animals have particular allergies to bee venom but I've had one chicken get stung and, while she had a good amount of swelling (she was stung on the side of the head), she recovered just fine. I keep my hives (5) on top of my chicken coop and they leave the...
  19. 1littlefarmer

    Bees, please? It's been a life saver for me. Lots of really helpful people. Kinda like here!