*update* I'm sure my boar was only being aggressive due to one of my sows being in heat. I had her separated due to the dominant sow being extremely aggressive towards her. I will be leaving the boar and sow together for the next few days before I separate them again. Thanks for the info...
He grunts when approaching me. Earlier today he came at me with his mouth open and like he wanted to bite my leg. He also took a stance that made me believe he was gonna rush on me.
I wrote sows but my auto correct changed it. The sow that recently gave birth is separated from the rest bring I'm getting her health and weigh up may have something to do with it.
So I am new to pigs and, Idecided to start with potbelly pigs. I purchased 3 does 2 breed and one that just got done with a litter as well as a 4 year old boar. At first more boar was more skiddish then the others but now he seems like he wants to attack me? Any help or insight on how to...