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  1. C

    What is your "favorite" large breed of dairy goat?

    Look at for LaManchas. I think they are in East Tennessee and offer Spring kids for sale.
  2. C

    Goat Kidding need advice! UPDATED..FINALLY a baby!!***PICS*** :D

    Girrrrl, aint it jst a guessing game?!?!?! Got on my nerves...I was about ready to go squeeze a goat! :lol:
  3. C

    Any ideas on breed of this doe?

    Nevermind! I found out on BackYardChickens :lol: They said she's an English Spot.
  4. C

    Goat Kidding need advice! UPDATED..FINALLY a baby!!***PICS*** :D

    Thanks! I still can't believe she took another MONTH!! I thought sure with all the signs it'd be any day....animals are suprising sometimes! :)
  5. C

    Any ideas on breed of this doe?

    I got this doe in a trade. She seems healthy and very tame. She's about 4 pounds, not sure on age. Anybody have any clue. I figure she's a mix...but of what? I first thought Lop markings, possibly Himalayan but not the right ears for Lop and too many spots for Himalayan...Rhinelander maybe? I...
  6. C

    Goat Kidding need advice! UPDATED..FINALLY a baby!!***PICS*** :D

    Well...she FINALLY had the baby!!!! :) Meet Sadie born on Sunday March 21st around 4 o' the mud! We had been keeping mom in a stall, but had let her out for a couple hours for exercise and such and she dropped her in a mudhole! :/ She's doing great now though and has been putting all...
  7. C

    Goat Kidding need advice! UPDATED..FINALLY a baby!!***PICS*** :D

    WHEW! Okay thanks for that info! She's a good size girl so she may be okay there. I'm still keeping a check on her. Thank you again! Still no baby yet :)
  8. C

    Goat Kidding need advice! UPDATED..FINALLY a baby!!***PICS*** :D

    She's Boer/Alpine mix I think. She is bagged up tight. I noticed a little swelling the other day too.
  9. C

    Goat Kidding need advice! UPDATED..FINALLY a baby!!***PICS*** :D

    I don't know the exact date. I do still feel her ligaments, and I am monitoring her closely!! Thanks for your help!
  10. C

    Goat Kidding need advice! UPDATED..FINALLY a baby!!***PICS*** :D

    Okay it's kind of gros but she had a huge slimey string that hung way down almost to the ground, then it dropped off, and then another appeared and then it dropped off and yet another and it has dropped off too, so all in all it's been quite a lot. She hasn't had any more since around noon, but...
  11. C

    Goat Kidding need advice! UPDATED..FINALLY a baby!!***PICS*** :D

    I need advice on my goat. She has had a discharge off and on all day. Ligaments are still there. She is young, but was bred around 6-7 months old, and I worry about any potential complications. I didn't get pics, but her discharge was stringy and dark like old or drying blood and hanging down to...