@babsbag Our chickens right now are in a dog kennel type fencing with the bottom lined with chicken wire to keep chicks in and laid out at an L to keep diggers away. We don't have coons. We have foxes. Haven't had a loss since doing that. They are getting an upgrade though. As far as the...
We are also hoping to build our piggy shelter and fencing this year, for spring pigs next year. We are on 4.3 acres and it's wonderful. We will not raise pigs year round, and will alternate them with meat chickens (the pen will be dual purpose for that is what I mean). So my fencing and...
Thanks everyone! :)
I think if we get goats I will get Nubians. I like the bigger goat, and I also like the floppy ears. Goats kinda creep me out in looks, and I think Nubians are better looking to me.
*gets egged by all the goat lovers* sorry!!!
@Hens and Roos I am liking your angoras! :) They are beautiful. Where is Wisconsin are you?
@Alexz7272 Yay mini farms! I was thinking it would be fine to keep sheep and alpacas together. How much of your property do they roam on? What type of fencing? Electric?
My kids are interested in video games sadly lmao! I'm not overly pushy on them with the animals, as I don't want them to hate them growing up. But they are required to help. We had a set back with a real jerk of a rooster that scared my kids from chickens and now they are even scared of the...
Hens and Roos- My hubby does want to get into meat rabbits, forgot about that. That will probably be coming up soon for us as well.
Pigs and rabbits are top priority. Alpaca I asked for my birthday for. lol ;)
Now this is my sort of thread! I don't have cats tho. I usually have to do a pano to get everything in, and this wont let me upload a pano. Soooo, this is most of the garden. Carrots, celery, onions and summer squash is all cut out.
I've been a member for looks like 6 years? That was prior to me having a hobby farm, and just dreaming. Well in 2014 we bought our 4 acre property and it's fantastic. I love it. Yes, I wish I had more land, but I'm content with what I have.
Right now what I have is:
A dozen or so...
Thanks! How much (general) does the band gun thingy and bands cost? vs the electro cutter?
I won't get to go to my TSC or FF for awhile, so just thought i'd ask.
Hey guys, I know this post is old but rather than reposting I figured I'd just bring this back to the top.
Lucky me to view your post of your baby lambs before, as I was like "Does that lamb have a tail?!" and then lo and behold, I found this thread!
So, with the band method, all you do is...
Well I caved and got the book. Full of wonderful recipes! I had a few questions tho:
I am in love with the idea of the pie filling! But their rhubarb pie filling has apples in it? I wasn't intending on making it without the apples and was wondering if that would mess up processing time?
ward) :lol: I definatly want a pressure canner, cause if i'm mistaken, that's the only "safe" way to process most veggies right? I really want to mess with some pickles this year, and may just start with fridge pickles but eventually wanna move up the line :)
Jen) I have never had pickled...
Hello! :weee
I am in southeastern, wisconsin. Big Bend (waukesha county) to be exact. I'm also on BYC, and hoping to meet some friends from WI on this form! :) Is anyone coming with animals to the state fair in MKE in august?
I realize that KittyFarmer posted this, but the thread was from 2008-2009...so I thought I would resurrect it (if that is okay) and ask what everyones canning! I am NEW to canning, but love it :D
So far all I have put up is:
4 pts of cherry jam (with yummy door county cherries I hand picked)
(Warning: Long post. I talk a lot when I'm excitied about something!)
Hey guys! My name is Desire' (Dez-o-ray), and both me and my husband and our DS (2 years) bought our first house last fall in Big Bend. Low and behold, we can not own ANYTHING in this village, despite us being surrounded by...