I had thought the afterbirth had been expelled, apparently not all of it. All seems well now. These new kids have the same crooked feet with birth, but now I know not to be concerned about it. The first two are doing great and run like the wind.
The dog, Sally, is a first time Mom, so it's...
The contractions/pushing seemed to have stopped. Pepper is standing, nursing, chewing her cud, and does not appear in distress. Apparently just expelling afterbirth. I hope. Now a dog is going into labor-good grief!
Our doe that never showed had two doe kids this morning. The second kid was born at eight AM and Pepper is still having strong contractions; a third kid. It has been over two hours since the second kid was born and I'm worried. How long is too long?
I am glad I'm not the only one that can't tell by the ligaments. The udder is getting bigger and, yes, she is pregnant, but as to when I've no idea; wait and wait some more I guess.
I tried to do the ligament test with Inky and I guess I do not know how to do it right as Inky's kids were a surprise.
I will see if there is a youtube video I can watch-words didn't do it. This afternoon I thought I could feel movement; could have been a rumbling stomach. Accck-I've a lot to...
After looking the doe, Pepper, over this morning I'm thinking she is pregnant after all. Her udder is bigger than just two days ago and tauter. She seems to be taking on a more pregnant look; possibly just my wishful thinking.
We've seen this with our dogs; not showing until the last week...
A question on my unpregnant doe. Her udder has developed significantly. Sites I have looked at stated that a developed udder on a young doe is not a sign of pregnancy. Is this true?
It looks like this is exactly what the problem was. The leg/feet look quite normal now and the kids are well able to keep up with Mom as she tours the backyard. What fun to watch the kids gambol and play; such a hoot! I am much relieved that the leg issue resolved itself and the kids are hardy...
I have been neglectful in providing minerals in a timely manner. I've already come to the conclusion that this may be why she isn't cycling. They have been wormed on a regular basis.
I will do this as soon as the sun comes up. Thank you.
Pepper, our unpregnant doe, was born as a single. The mother refused her, so the owners put her with Inky, also a single, to be raised by that doe.
I looked up "polled" and I'm not sure I understand this right as it says born without horns-so a goat that never has horns? The explanation is...
Thank you.
We have two does and a buck. The second doe does not appear to be pregnant though the buck has been with her a lot. I have noticed the buck does not react to her as he does to the doe that just had the kids. My thought is that she has not, or ever, come into heat. The two does are...
Thank you. I figured once a day, just needed to have someone confirm it. And the words of reassurance are much appreciated as I wonder if I had cared for the doe correctly this wouldn't have happened.
Thank you for the comforting replies. We have the paste on hand. How often would you recommend giving t he kids the paste?
A reply on another group said not to use the paste/gel, but to use the injectable kind. Your thoughts on this. I know it would be faster acting-any other reason? We don't...
Our Nubian/Nigerian dwarf doe gave birth to twins last night, but there's a problem. The front feet on the buck kid are crooked and one foot on the doe kid is crooked. This is our first experience with kidding. The "defects" are not serious and the kids do all that a normal kid would do...