I have a ewe that is housed with 3 goats. 2 of the goats are showing signs of mites. I have Ivermectin pour on, and applied it to my goats, however, I'm not sure if I should apply any to my ewe. I can't find any literature anywhere saying it is ok or how much to use. I use the pour on at that...
I am not familiar with the layout of this site, so I apologize if this is answered elsewhere. I am just wondering what a good protocal for deworming goats is. I have had goats for about 8 years, but I still feel like a newbie on alot of things. I have 1 Nubian wether, (apx 10-11yrs old)1...
I have 1 HUGE Suffolk mix ewe and 4 goats: 1 Nubian/Boer doe,2 Nubian/Boer wethers, and 1 Nubian wether. They all get along fine. Infact, the ewe, up until recently, has been the queen of the pack. If I remember correctly, we got 2 Nubain/Boer wethers as 1 year olds. Then, I got my sheep, as a...
I have an apx 9 - 10yr old Nubian wether, named Koda. He has always had problems. He was a rescue, that came to me years ago, thin, lice infested etc. I have battled everything from severe skin conditions, to arthritis, to poor hair growth that requires him to wear a jacket when the weather gets...