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  1. K

    Goat Emergency!!!

    Thanks for the quick replies. Luckily a friend came by with her son and we were able to take her to the vet. She is being hospitalized for a few days.
  2. K

    Goat Emergency!!!

    Last wormed in June - eyes and gums are still pink. Running to TSC to get Vitamin b-1 injection in case vet can't make it. Couldn't find the thermometer, so picking up a new one
  3. K

    Goat Emergency!!!

    I have a goat that is not good. She was fine around 6am, but by 7:30, was down. She is wobbly when trying to move, and her head is drooping. Her breathing is a bit ragged, but seems normal otherwise. I got her up and she burped and pooped, which looked normal. She took a few steps, and then was...
  4. K

    Ivermectin Pour on

    Sorry I did not reply sooner. I have gone and exchanged the pour on for injectable. I pulled what I thought was lice off the one goat, turned out it was just a chunk of dandruff. I checked her over and did not see anything else, but did rub them all down with DE and gave them a good brushing...
  5. K

    Ivermectin Pour on

    So I bought the pour on today to worm the goats (2 boer does and 1 pygmy doe), and to treat a rooster with scaly leg mites. As I was reading I found that it does not work very well on goats for intestinal worms (but I also heard otherwise). Now, when I was feeding them I was giving the one a...
  6. K

    Locking goats up at night? Help!

    We had almost the same experience as you. We bought 2, 12 week old Nubian/Boer kids and when we got them home, the one escaped. She lived in the woods for 2 days alone before we were able to get her. After that time, we kept them in a very small enclosed space (6x8 shed with a 6x6 fenced area)...
  7. K

    What to put as walls in the goat house?

    We built a 8x16' shed two years ago, and split it for our goats and chickens. We did not cover any of the wood inside, so it just looks like this: (not my shed, but similar) However, we got a terrible storm last year and now there is mold buildup. We are also dealing with dust from the...
  8. K

    Algae in water

    We had previously used buckets, we tried 1-5 gallons, and even bought a grain feeder and filled that, but the Boers would knock them down or flip them, and we could not place them high because we have a pygmy. This is the best way for us to water the goats, because it is heavy enough that the...
  9. K

    Algae in water

    I'm having a problem with the algae growth in my goat's water. I have a 40-50 gallon black plastic trough. I clean it our pretty regularly, but with this weird heat/cold thing going on right now, the algae will spring up for a few days then die off. On BYC I've heard of using apple cider vinegar...
  10. K

    How long will a boer doe be in heat?

    I've got a doe that I believe is in heat. We do not have a buck so she has taken to trying to wag at and mount our pygmy doe. The poor girl can't get away from her for more than 10 seconds. I've separated the two and everything has calmed down now. I was just wondering how long it will last? The...
  11. K

    What would cause a new alfa in herd?

    That is what I thought too, I was just worried that they might be able to tell if she is sick or something, and were kicking her out.
  12. K

    What would cause a new alfa in herd?

    I have 3 does, one Pygmy and two Nigerian/Boers. The pygmy is 5 and has always been alfa to the other two. The others will be 3 in march. Yesterday, the Boers were chasing the pygmy around and she was screaming. I went out and checked and there was no blood, so they did not hurt her. I checked...
  13. K

    Dog has lymes disease!!!(Quick)

    My dog was diagnosed when she was 1 1/2yr old. We had adopted her and the first time we took her to the vet, had blood work done. He said that is was too far progressed that she probably got it when she was a puppy and there was no use for medication. He told us what to look for and just to give...
  14. K


    Thank you. We added an addition to the garage and decided to let the contractor just build this too. He built the base and framing, and we finished the walls. The roof was left over from the garage. We had a tricky time because the ground we live on is almost at a 45 degree angle. We had to bury...
  15. K


    I would think at that pointed end your could build a storage cabinet. It could be used to hold some supplies. You could lock it so they would not be able to get inside. You could also use that side as your entrance. You could place your door there and then add a storage room on that side, so...
  16. K

    Question about what to plant

    I have 2 Boers does and a pygmy doe that have about a half acre in the woods. They have eaten everything off the ground and 5ft up and the ground is dirt with some wild ferns that they refuse to touch. They are fed free-feed orchard grass and get a little scoop of grain a day( to keep them...
  17. K

    First UnFun Real Goat Experience (LONG)

    Glad to hear she is doing better. We had 3 month old Boer get chased off by our older pygmy the day we brought the babies home. She was out in 10 acres of woods by herself for 3 days before we could catch her. We had to sprint back and forth for about an hour before she got so wore out that she...
  18. K

    How does everyone let their goaties free-range?

    We let them out a few times a week supervised. There is no fence but they do not go anywhere, and come right back when we call their names. Our lighter Boer/Nubian has figured out she can easily jump the fence and so she tends to go in an out of the fenced area multiple times a day. She is too...
  19. K

    Goat housing, pictures anyone?

    This is the whole thing. It is a 10'16 that is spit into 3 sections. The left is the goats side, the middle is storage, and the right is our chickens This is the back of it. The goats deck is 5 ft off the ground, with a ramp along the shed. They tend to jump off at about 4 feet though...
  20. K

    Electric fencing question

    Right now we have 4 ft high field fencing. Our Boer has figured out she can jump it, and our pygmy is always getting under it. Their area is completely wooded. My question is, could we just use the electric fence polywire and just run a line on top and one on the bottom? Also, The chickens roam...