Search results

  1. Ozark Daisy

    Shetland Sheep For Sale - MO

    I have 6 Shetland sheep for sale. 4 ewes, 1 white, 1 black w/white markings (pending), and 2 brown. All of them are 1-2 years old. Asking $110 each I also have 2 white wethers that were born this Spring. $60 each. $500 for all 6. I live in south central Missouri. Send me a PM. I can send...
  2. Ozark Daisy

    Yum Or Yuck?

    I've never had it, sounds like yum though. Rabbit Pot Pie??
  3. Ozark Daisy

    coin game

    You won a rotten apple stuck in a stinky sock. *insert coin* Do you always have to win something good???
  4. Ozark Daisy

    Yes Or No?

    Yes, absolutely!!! Do you like Momma rabbits that lick you all over the face? I have one.:)
  5. Ozark Daisy

    first litter

    Congrats! I just had my first litter last night.
  6. Ozark Daisy

    Mixing Rabbit Feed

    Yes, do not give them corn. It is hard to digest, and I think if they get to much of it, it might ferment in them, not 100% sure on that, but I've heard something like that.:idunno
  7. Ozark Daisy

    free goats

    Yes, the goats just might run away. A lot of ours did that. We almost always found them though. :)
  8. Ozark Daisy

    pic of our just born Galloway calf

    What a cute furry critter. Congrats!:thumbsup:bun
  9. Ozark Daisy

    Rabbits Won't Breed!

    Could he have been to fat? They usually won't breed if they are fat. Maybe you already know that.:hu
  10. Ozark Daisy

    Thinking of getting sheep

    I love my Shetlands! haven't eaten any yet, hoping to butcher some soon. I have heard that the meat is mostly on the back legs, but not sure.:) The Shetlands are quite flighty but in some way thats good. We also have a few Gulf Coast ewes. They are a bigger wool sheep, that have a nice body...
  11. Ozark Daisy

    Treats that are okay?

    Here are some good treats, Dandelions, Apple, apple twigs, carrots, radishes, clover, plantain, turnips, and lot more. :)
  12. Ozark Daisy

    What kind of Hay do you give your rabbit?

    Timothy hay is perfectly fine. I wish I had a good source for it. I just give my rabbits the hay that we bale around our farm. They seem to like it. Brome hay does not seem to be on the top of their list of favourite foods. I think it has to much fiber in it.:hu
  13. Ozark Daisy

    Where did this little guy come from?

    Beautiful rabbit. I can't wait till my doe has hers.
  14. Ozark Daisy

    Scottish Blackface

    You have really gorgeous sheep. Their wool looks really nice.:)