Hi all! Yes, it's been a long while since I've been here - just because of life. Still living on the ranch and loving it. We've got cows, goats, chickens, cats and dogs. We continue to learn from our animals every year. Just when we think we've got them pretty much figured out - they throw...
I need some help from someone experienced with trains and goats! If someone lives next to a railroad track and the trains go by regularly with horns blowing... will goats adjust to it or will they always freak out?
Absolutely no horns for me. I love the look of horns and I realize that goats were put on this earth with horns. But, I've seen and heard of too many terrible injuries to both humans and other animals due to a goats horns. My goats are sweet, gentle and love being around us (they will sit in...
Thank you so much for your answers. I have been told that using AI has a far less percentage of actually getting her pregnant than having her with the bull? Can anyone address that?
I did record her 'maybe' date and will be watching when the days come around again. Around here it's all meat...
Hi all! I haven't been on here in ages due to a very busy life but I'm now new to cattle and have some learning to do! :)
My mini jersey had a heifer calf in June this year. I am wanting to rebreed but she's nursing the calf and the bull is 1 1/2 hours away. The only sign that my cow has come...
She has not received any shots to date. I'm glad to hear you agree with the de-horning. I'm a little nervous about the procedure but feel it is the best thing for her/us.
I have just gotten our first cow... heifer calf actually. She is a miniature Jersey and is 9 months old. I have llamas, goats, chickens and have had horses but she's my first cow.
I generally do not give a lot of shots or medication for my animals unless it's necessary. I have no idea what...
I have a Nigerian buck that has scurs. One of the scurs is growing back and is going to end up growing into his skull. He is one year old.
Can I use horse nippers to cut off the end a little at a time?
I haven't been here in ages but have an issue I need some experienced help with.
I have a female llama I bred to an experienced, proven male in July of 2012. She did not have a cria... she never appeared to be pregnant but we did not verify with ultrasound or blood test. She has had...
I loved my Alpines - they are usually more 'in your face' than other breeds.
If they are already friendly then just ignore this: I would encourage you to let them come to you if they are skittish at all. Go be with them but don't try to pet them; just be around them until they start coming...
You "might" be able to get a calf size disbudder over them. I'd certainly give that a try first - you can just try it cold to see if it will go over them before heating it up.
Do you know what your does are mixed with? They should be giving much more than that.
I agree that if the kids are two weeks old then you can lock them up at night, separate from their mothers, and you milk them in the morning and then let the kids be with mom all day. That will tell you...
Just wrapping them with the wire probably won't save them. The goats will eat through all the open spots and destroy the tree - it might just take a little longer.
I used field fencing and t-posts and have the fencing a good 5 to 6 feet away from the tree. I tried it with the fencing just 3...
The few people I have heard of that do packing or carting with goats have always used wethers. I'm guessing it's because they are larger and stronger. They also usually have very sweet temperments.
If using a doe you are using an animal that realistically has a higher dollar value than a...