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    My goat escaped and was attacked by our dog when we let the dog out tonight. Her front leg is mangled pretty bad. I am pretty sure it is not broken but there is a large laceration. The tendons are visible and you can see damage to them. I cleaned the wound and got the bleeding stopped. I...

    1 day old does very runny poo

    Update....Both are doing great. Back to thick sticky yellow poo like I am used to. Both have lots of energy and are starting to play with our 2 week old doe. Thank you for your input. It is great to have a place to go for answers.

    1 day old does very runny poo

    I bought some tubing from the pet store for fish aquariums that I think will work well if I need it in the future. Thankfully I don't think I will need it. I just got very worried because we have never had a single problem with any of our kids until this year so I have no experience. We just...

    1 day old does very runny poo

    Update....both does seem to have more energy and are feeding and peeing. Also both had bowel movements that seem to be getting firmer (I was able to flick it off their bottoms with a stiff piece of hay).

    1 day old does very runny poo

    Just gave them some power punch. Neither of them liked it at all but the both fed from mom immediately after. I hope I am just being paranoid and they are sneaking in little snacks while I am not looking. Oh and I saw them both go pee.

    1 day old does very runny poo

    Unfortunately I do not have the supplies to tube feed if it becomes necessary. I went to tractor supply and got anything they had for dehydration. They had no supplies for tube feeding. I bought probiotic plus paste for goats, some electrolytes, some bounce back, and some power punch. My TS is...

    1 day old does very runny poo

    I am familiar with the yellow pasty sticky yellow poo but this is very runny. Also they both fed this morning but now show no interest in feeding. It is a possibility that they ate while I was inside checking on the internet for answers but when I put them near her udders neither one of them...

    1 day old does very runny poo

    Yes yesterday around 1:00 in the afternoon. That is my main concern. Most of the info I have read so far discusses older goats so I am not sure what to do.

    1 day old does very runny poo

    I am sorry if this does not qualify as an emergency. I am just not sure how concerned I should be. We had 2 nubian does yesterday afternoon. When I checked on them late last night I noticed they both had very runny poop. It was yellow with some reddish brown in it. I cleaned them up and...

    nubian stud needed in NW FL

    I am looking for a stud for my 2 nubian girls. I had an arrangement with the breeder I got my girls from but she had to sell everything and move out of town unexpectedly for a family emergency. I am looking for a full blood nubian billy (papers not necessary). I breed them for the milk and...

    My Ewe Lambs- Pic Heavy

    Oh, that last pic! That is the cutest thing I have ever seen. It looks as though she is smiling.

    My new baby girl--I need a color description!

    Pretty sure you will not have trouble selling her. She is gorgeous!

    Help just had a kitten attacked by a Pitt Bull!!!

    Oh, so glad she will be ok. I wish people would be more responsible with their dogs.

    Are boys just not as friendly?

    I'm just a worry wart. I don't like the idea of someone being unhappy with something they bought from me. I may just be reading more into her e-mails than I should. Afterall, I am the one who contacted her for an update. She did not contact me to complain. Thanks for the responses.

    Are boys just not as friendly?

    They plan on using him as a breeder. I just feel really bad that she does not seem happy with him. She says he does not seem to want to play with her other kids that are about 2 months older than him either. She has had him for 2 weeks now.

    Are boys just not as friendly?

    I just sold my nubian kids 1 doe, 1 buck. They were 2 months old. My girl was so sweet and loves to be petted and cuddled. My buck never did care for it much. We spent the same ammount of time with them. You can go near him, he just does not seek out attention. I usually keep in touch with...

    Kid questions, Please Help...KID PICS!

    Congrats! They are beautiful. All good answers so far. The only thing I will add is that I sometimes have to milk my does down a little when they are first born. When her bag gets really full sometimes the babies will have a little trouble latching on when they are small.

    how do you get blu-kote off skin

    Very good idea.

    how do you get blu-kote off skin

    I think it is a conspiracy. Maybe once I'm done scrubbing and have no skin left it will be gone.

    how do you get blu-kote off skin

    So I have a leaky bottle of blu-kote and before I knew it my entire hand is....well, blue. Does anyone know how to wash it off? I have tried gas, WD-40, and alcohol. It's a little bit lighter now but still very blue. I really don't want to go to work tomorrow looking like a smurf. :lau