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  1. yinzer81

    Newbie with a question about "skinny" kids

    Thanks for the suggestion. I ran up and got one, filled it with warm milk. It was rejected by all 3 of them. What am I doing wrong? They're sucking and sucking on their momma, but I don't think they're getting enough. Could I be wrong? (wouldn't be the first or last time, thats for sure!):/
  2. yinzer81

    Newbie with a question about "skinny" kids

    Hi all. New to kidding, and having brand new kids around. My 2 does gave birth 3/25 and 3/28, both with triplets. My big doe doesn't seem to be having a problem keeping up with the demands of hers, 2 doeling 1 buckling. My other girl, who is more "petite" had 3 bucklings and can't seem to...
  3. yinzer81

    PICS!!!!! My Juliet

    Really! Come on Juliet! We're all waiting! :pop
  4. yinzer81

    newbie needs some info

    Thanks for all the helpful info! She ended up having triplets! 2 does, and a buck. The buck is definately bigger, and got the hang of nursing a little better than the little girls did, but I'm still struggling with all of them. I can get them on for maybe a 30-60 seconds, then the momma steps...
  5. yinzer81

    newbie needs some info

    Okay...the babies (triplets) seem to have the sucking down fine, but are having trouble with the nipples. The momma's udder is very big, and hangs pretty low. The babies don't seem to be getting the bowing down to the nipple part. I did hold them there and they all got a little, the little buck...
  6. yinzer81

    newbie needs some info

    Thanks, on my way back to barn, if another is coming it should be any minute. All I have on hand is a calf nipple...would that do in a pinch if things dont work with the momma? It looks huge. Mad at myself for not being more prepared. Soooo exciting though!!
  7. yinzer81

    newbie needs some info

    My 2 year old nubian just delivered a seemingly healthy baby. If she's going to have twins, how long should it take between babies? Also, how soon should I worry if the baby hasn't nursed? If the mother wont let it, then should I milk out the colostrum and bottle feed the baby myself? Please...
  8. yinzer81

    Late pregnancy behavior

    Thanks! I have been there but it was almost 24 years ago. They do seem fine other wise, just...well, you know. Ready to get those babies out. They're udders are huge too, and they still haven't really "bagged up". They're going to need help standing once they do! That's IF they decide to stand...
  9. yinzer81

    Late pregnancy behavior

    I have 2 nubian does, both almost 2 years old. They are both due to kid for the first time within the next 2 weeks. The past few days they seem to be laying around ALOT. They're both eating and still going out to graze, but they're not nearly as active as they use to be. To top it off, they're...
  10. yinzer81

    Pregnancy behavior question

    Thanks, I was hoping it might be hormones, or pregnancy touchiness...I sure hope she goes back to being herself once she kids.
  11. yinzer81

    Pregnancy behavior question

    I have 2 nubians that are both due at around the end of March. They will be 2 years old in March and I've had them about 20 months. My doe Thelma is just as sweet and gentle as ever and her personality hasn't changed much since she was bred. My other doe, Louise who USE to be so sweet, and...
  12. yinzer81

    Donkey Foal Not Thriving

    Thank you so much for answering. I have called the vet and they say they have to see him to be able to tell me what he needs, no help there. Like I said, we just had him out when the foal was born and have another one due any day, I can't afford too many vet visits. I gave him 2 more oz. of...
  13. yinzer81

    2 week old jack not thriving.

    I have a two week old little jack. He is the mothers first, (and ours) and a big surprise to us. We got her about 11 months ago and I had no idea she was pregnant. I thought she had a huge grass belly, and wormed her 2x. Duh. Anyway, she did well, and he seemed okay, until about 10 days, when...
  14. yinzer81

    Donkey Foal Not Thriving

    I have a two week old little jack. He is the mothers first, and a surprise to us. We got her about 11 months ago and I had no idea she was pregnant. I thought she had a huge grass belly, and wormed her 2x. Duh. Anyway, she did well, and he seemed okay, until about 10 days, when he got scours...
  15. yinzer81

    Is this goat sick???

    She is on the chubby side. So, should I just leave her alone or try to milk her? Her teets are small, so I don't know what I'm suppose to grab on to. :/ [/img]
  16. yinzer81

    What kind of Guardian does your herd have?

    I have donkeys. I know it's not suppose to work but it does. It took them a little while to get use to eachother, I have 3 donks and just 2 goats and 26 chickens.(soon to be 50) The donkeys are very protective of their area, so I don't know if they're actually guarding the goats and chickens, or...
  17. yinzer81


    I'm really sorry to hear this! I wish I could help you, but I have no ideas! I hope some experts will come along soon with advise for you. I thought heat, but you addressed that. Could a preditor have been trying to get at them and scared them to death? Sounds silly, but I don't know... Odd, a...
  18. yinzer81

    Is this goat sick???

    No, she hasn't been near any bucks, weathers or any other goats, except her sister, so I don't think she could be pregnant. There is no discharge, no fever, and she is definately not off her feed. She's a good eater, and seems to always be relaxed and chewing her cud when she's not eating.
  19. yinzer81

    Is this goat sick???

    I think I got a pic up!! Thanks! I put it on my first post, but here it is again...I hope. [/img]
  20. yinzer81

    Is this goat sick???

    I have a yearling doe (15 months old) that has a big, and I mean BIG udder. She never been bred, she seems happy, comfortable and eats very well. Besides the udder looking abnormally huge to me, she looks very healthy and is sweet as ever. The udder is the size of a large cantaloupe, the teats...