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  1. S

    Do any of you care to share pictures of your rabbit set up?

    Right now my does are in dog kennels and my bucks are in a run with a dog house (formally my pet rabbit's run). I want to build runs for all of them, but I've learned the hard way that the material that I used for the run I have is great for adults, but not for babies. I don't plan on keeping...
  2. S

    Caught a rabbit today

    LOL, I recently came by seven strays, I caught six of them and one was taken out by a car. I'd wait to eat him in the event it is sick or on a medication. It's a pretty bunny though, you could always try to rehome it.
  3. S

    Apple Cider Vinegar - How much for Rabbits

    My rabbits first tried it after I added it to my Chicken's water. They all love it.
  4. S

    Her eye is swollen shut :(

    I was keeping chickie (a stray NZ mix doe) in a bottom cage and Belldandy (mini lop doe) in a top cage with her mini lop mix baby. During feeding time I opened the top cage and Belldandy ran straight down into the bottom cage (originally one large cage for mini lop and her baby). She immediately...
  5. S

    Anyone have any good links that show me how to process a rabbit?

    Thanks everyone. I am considering doing a trade with a friend of my dad if he's willing. Give him some rabbits in order to process my rabbits. He loves rabbit meat.
  6. S

    Anyone have any good links that show me how to process a rabbit?

    Before getting ahead of myself I want to make sure I can process it fast.
  7. S

    Mixed breed rabbits, could these be used for meat rabbits?

    Yes I've been addressing the issues with their teeth, according to the humane society vet their teeth are stair stepped and she said that with proper nutrition and lots of hay they should even out decently and live happy lives.
  8. S

    Mixed breed rabbits, could these be used for meat rabbits?

    Thank you I will check out the guide. I have since moved her since finding out her sex. So far the boys seem to get along, but if I notice a problem I will move them. I'm hoping to have another pen built soon.
  9. S

    Mixed breed rabbits, could these be used for meat rabbits?

    The rabbits were strays, I took four of them into the humane society and they were able to adopt out two of them, the two gray ones (boys) had teeth issues from being born in the wild and not having a proper diet. The girl was in with them for a while (it took awhile to tackle her and check her...
  10. S

    Mixed breed rabbits, could these be used for meat rabbits?

    These were strays that I found, vet said they were under 12 months old. She couldn't pin point the breed but average size was about 7-10lbs for the five rabbits we caught. I'm not planning on these rabbits for slaughter, but wondering if I could breed them if their babies would make good meat...
  11. S

    Feeding for the winter?

    Thanks, I didn't know that. I'm in Ohio so it gets very cold.
  12. S

    Feeding for the winter?

    Winter is right around the corner and I'm considering leaving my rabbit, Belldandy, out in the coop with her baby buns. She's much happier outside and gets mean when inside. I'm planning on adding a few bales hay for them to snuggle up in. She already gets pellets and lots of fresh produce...
  13. S

    Fruits: What fruit do you start your bunnies out on?

    My Belldandy first fruit was a banana, since then she pretty much gets a taste of whatever produce we're eating (as long as it's not on the bad food list).