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  1. nstilwater

    Cavy question?? New one!

    i am a licensed vet tech. alot of people think you need to give extra vit c to cayvys which i true. the thing people dont realize is it has to be in the form of FRESH fruits and veggies. the vitamins that are added to their food and water supplement breaks down and by the time you are giving it...
  2. nstilwater

    New here

    i have three boys two years, five years, and seven years,my five year old was slightly put off at first but then i showed them a video of how factory chickens are raised, not butchered but raised, and they felt so bad for them that they would prefer homegrown food and now ask me i what we are...
  3. nstilwater

    what breed to use

    jsut for my family of five all boys so they eat alot just want to have a couple litters a year
  4. nstilwater

    how to tell if goat is pregnant

    anybody else have an idea?
  5. nstilwater

    how to tell if goat is pregnant

    OK here are pictures of Matilda the first one is when i first got her in september the rest i took today she wasnt very cooperative any guesses on her breed also? Matilda in september top view rearview rearview 2 Bellyshot
  6. nstilwater

    what breed to use

    i am new to raising meat rabbits what breed would be best to use i live in pacific northwest so it is wet and windy alot
  7. nstilwater

    New here

    i am also going to start raising meat rabbits this coming spring only it was my kids ideas
  8. nstilwater

    Name That Goat Contest...ends Christmas Eve!

    Lilly MaryJane Mocha Noodle
  9. nstilwater

    I'm overwhelmed...

    my goat will not eat anything that has been out overnight i have to feed her just enough to last the day or it goes to waste
  10. nstilwater

    Finally getting a Goat!

    congrats on the new goat has a chicken for a companion they are best friends
  11. nstilwater

    how to tell if goat is pregnant

    i dont know she is a creamy white color with floppy ears like a nubian she is large dog size she is a pig when it comes to food so i try not to feed her too much doesnt get much grain but she does like to steal the alpacas hay......she stands on her hind feet to reach up high......the alpacas...
  12. nstilwater

    Goats and chickens

    i have one goat. before she had an alpaca herd to live with she was pretty lonely until one of my chickens decided she didnt like the other chickens anymore and moved into the goat pen. they sleep together, eat together, graze together, the chicken rides on the goat and they cuddle up together...
  13. nstilwater

    Noisy goats

    my goat used to live by herself when we first got her. she was so noisy all the time even in the middle of the night. then one of my chickens escaped from the coop and got into the goat pen. now we dont hear a peep out of her. the chicken comes and goes but always roosts on the goats back at...
  14. nstilwater

    how to tell if goat is pregnant

    Thank you all who have replied so far. I am actually a Vet Tech so i do know about goats just have never owned my own. i even have experience helping with problems while kidding and c-sections, bottle fed babies, can give injections, etc.... i have already trimmed her feet, wormed her, she has...
  15. nstilwater

    how to tell if goat is pregnant

    I need to know how to tell if my goat is pregnant. i got a goat for free off craigslist in september. she was slightly skinny and when i picked her up the guy wouldt let us on his property. we didnt see any other goats and were told she lived with a donkey. we got her as a pet she is a mixed...