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  1. C

    Is my pygmy having issues????

    Thanks for the help everybody! She delivered a healthy baby boy at 9:45 this morning!
  2. C

    Is my pygmy having issues????

    This waiting game is aweful!!!!! Near as I can tell her ligs are what I would call gone! Have to dig so deep she gets grouchy and then I can still barely feel where they should be!!!! Been like this for 9+ hours now!!!!! I can't see how her giant self can go another minute! She and her udder...
  3. C

    Is my pygmy having issues????

    Ligaments are gone as of 3pm today! The "breeder" and I use the term loosely, actually stated that he put each one with the buck, watched him breed her 5 times and then put her back in her own pen! If that was true then he would not have been 2 weeks off with the other does due date!
  4. C

    Is my pygmy having issues????

    She is eating! There is very thick milk in her udder! Due date is somewhat questioable! The guy I got them from said they were bred feb 9 and 10! We have since found out the guy lies! The girl bred on the 9th gave birth on June 26 a full 2 weeks early but the baby was definitely not preemie! She...
  5. C

    Is my pygmy having issues????

    I have a 2 year old pygmy getting ready to kid for the first time! She has been restless, huge, making a nest, elevating her front end and stretching for over a week! She started dripping mucus 2.5 days ago and then it stopped. She has been yawning a lot. Her bag is huge and very full. Her due...
  6. C

    Emergency Rabbit info needed!!!!! FAST!!!!!

    Thanks for the info! I just don't understand how they could be different conceptions because the one and only time she was with the buck was for about half an hour one time! Could that still cause two separate conceptions or is she having problems?
  7. C

    Emergency Rabbit info needed!!!!! FAST!!!!!

    My 6 month old french lop gave birth to 2 babies on FRIDAY afternoon! She wouldn't pay any attention to them and 1 died! We fostered the other to a different doe! Out of nowhere we found 3 more babies on SUNDAY afternoon! 1 was still born and looked all twisted up! A second died shortly after...
  8. C

    Cashmeres in N.H. (Looking for stud service)

    Any N.H. people out there that have a cashmere buck??? I just got a Lamancha / Cashmere cross doe who I would like to breed! Can't seem to find a cashmere around here! HELP!!!!!
  9. C

    What am I?????

    Yup they did! She got home safe and sound without tearing up the ceiling of m SUV!
  10. C

    What am I?????

    No the green things on her horns are rubber garden hose pieces that I put on her to move her!:D
  11. C

    What am I?????

    Ok! Here's my girl! The rescuer did a great job with her besides her coat! She is fat and happy and sweet and beautiful! Her coat however is matted pretty bad and i'm probably gonna have to have her sheared asap! I may have confused some people about her weight issue! She was emaciated when the...
  12. C

    What am I?????

    I am in Deerfield, NH! She is 3 years old and I was kinda planning on keeping the lamancha so breeders would be great! I pick her up at 3 - 4 this afternoon so I will try to post more pictures! I am told her coat is longer now than in the pictures I alerady posted so that might help better...
  13. C

    What am I?????

    I don't know how her feet are! She is not here till tomorrow! I have only seen pictures! Is the injectable the only thing that will work? Can I use the ivermectin pour on?
  14. C

    What am I?????

    I don't have more pictures yet! She doesn't come till tomorrow! The starvation coat thing would make sense as the woman that has her said she was emaciated when she took her! (she is a livestock rescue) She has been to the vet and the first time she went i'm guessing they would have noticed the...
  15. C

    What am I?????

    I am adopting this beauty from someone that rescued her! The woman thinks she is a Lamancha! I have looked at pics of them and they don't completely look like her! Anyone have any idea what she could be???
  16. C

    My baby is 2 days overdue and ..........

    I thnk i'm gonna try that tomorrow morning if they are not out by then! Does anyone know what their vents should look like if they are about to go? Theirs are kinda swollen and pink! Not sually like that i don't think! I pinned them down and lifted their tails and thats what I found!
  17. C

    My baby is 2 days overdue and ..........

    Thank a bunch but I have already done all of that! A few times! Will let you know though! This thread is a couple days old too! They are now on day 34 - 35!!!
  18. C

    My baby is 2 days overdue and ..........

    Well......... I am confused! I could feel babies kicking 2 days ago but last night can't feel it anymore! She could be overweight! They all get about a cup a day! The other 4 only eat about half that on their own but they have it! Pearl and Spots have been finishing the whole bowl plus a little...