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  1. ~GotGoats?~

    Ya know BYC has

    I suggest that all you guys here at BYH come over to BYC and look how its gonna be, because I know that you guys are gettin a wbsite makeover as well, and if you know how its going to be, then the change wont be as dramatic and angering as it was for us.......I fear BYC will lose alot of its...
  2. ~GotGoats?~

    bought a pregnant goat at an auction, when is she due?

    Oh and another thing I forgot to add, she has been laying down allot lately, does it mean anything?
  3. ~GotGoats?~

    Ya know BYC has

    I MISS OLD BYC!!! :hit
  4. ~GotGoats?~

    The BYC people CHAT THREAD!

    Exactly!!! Oh how I miss old BYC..........:hit I came here to come back to see how BYC used to be and just be here in a familiar place that reminds me of good times. Im probably not gona go on BYC as much now........Il be here alot more though :D
  5. ~GotGoats?~

    BYC flood ... ;)

    Exactly!!! Oh how I miss old BYC..........:hit I came here for the same reason you did, but also to come back to see how BYC used to be and just be here in a familiar place that reminds me of good times. Im probably not gona go on BYC as much now........Il be here alot more though :D
  6. ~GotGoats?~

    bought a pregnant goat at an auction, when is she due?

    She has no utter building yet, she just has a big round belly that is wide.
  7. ~GotGoats?~

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    Oh yeah, and how do you change your username? I just registered and um I dont like what i picked out lol. I want it to be ~GotGoats?~ but I dont know how, can someone help me out with this?
  8. ~GotGoats?~

    bought a pregnant goat at an auction, when is she due?

    OK Il post some pics, just as soon as I find out how..........
  9. ~GotGoats?~

    Do they remodel BYH like they do to BYC for new years?

    Oh yeah, Im really excited about the change too :pop just cant wait!
  10. ~GotGoats?~

    Who else is also a member on BYC?

    And heres my tenth post........
  11. ~GotGoats?~

    how to keep water from freezing?

    I agree, the for sure way to make sure it dosent freeze, is to check it and refill it throughout the day :D
  12. ~GotGoats?~

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    :lau :gig maybe I should switch to your system of posting instead lol
  13. ~GotGoats?~

    Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today!

    i went to the Cheescacke Factory today :frow
  14. ~GotGoats?~

    Do they remodel BYH like they do to BYC for new years?

    So, as some of you BYCers know, BYC is being remodeld or kinda remade in a way, I just registered here and noticed theese sites are extreemly similar. Are they going to do the same with BYH? or willl it just stay like this always?it would bee funny if they did remodel it like BYC, and all of us...
  15. ~GotGoats?~

    Who else is also a member on BYC?

    Yes! other BYCers lol :celebrate I dont feel so lonley anymore. It almost feels like Im at some hotel with other people from my neighborhood becuse or houses are being remodeld lol hopfully BYC is up and running again in a little while :fl
  16. ~GotGoats?~

    Hey! Just another BYCer here

    I am so glad I found this site, its similar to BYC so I know how to use it :celebrate no trouble having to figure things out lol :D I have goats, chickens, 2 dogs, and a rabbit that just died sunday :( anyways, since BYC is down, I've been exploring it here and Im so obsesed how much BYH and BYC...
  17. ~GotGoats?~

    bought a pregnant goat at an auction, when is she due?

    HI, Im new here from BYC(they've been having some down time) and I bought this goat, months ago, and she is pregnant, but since I do not know since when, I came to ask. She is pretty big now, not really getting any bigger, and she has been this big since November :hu. Whats happening? I've had...
  18. ~GotGoats?~

    Welcome Guests from BYC!

    Hey, just another BYCer here, I just finished registering. Im just obssesing over how much BYH and BYC are alike! almost everything pretty much. Im glad I found this site, cuz I have goats, and this site is so familiar looking I already know how to use it :bun haha I luv how they have the cow...