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  1. V

    calf nursing and us milking...teat dip??

    shouldnt need it if shes with a callf and your hand milking her
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    What is a heat lamp barrel?? Photo please??

    thats looks like its be great for cold weather babies
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    How old is too old to cut a bull?

    sounds like it worked out well in the end
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    Do you wash your cattle or am I just becoming a bit nutty?

    we wash them for fiar and get all the poo off it takes like 5 baths and a ton of bulvine shampoo to get them clean all the way but they smell nice after :)
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    Riding a Cow??? no joke

    i have sat on a cow or 2 before but ridding h*ll no i show them and they are head strong and will go where they want when they want i would never sit on one to be bucked off or to be taken for a ride
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    i guess its posible has she had any changes in diet, housing, pen mates, injury or such to make her loose a baby?
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    Should I raise a cow for fair?

    for your inexperance and and size i would say go with a spring yearly for your first year (you gotta start somwhere) In general are cows as nice as horses? some are nicer some arnt depends on how they were raised personaly i like cows over horses for temperment but im baised because i have...
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    CGK Boer Goats January Kiddings updated pix pg 13

    i would love the little red if only i had the space