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  1. SassyKat6181

    Pigs went to butcher

    So I picked up 3 female pigs back in mid-march with the intention of raising them for meat. They went to the butcher on Monday and my husband brought home some of the meat yesterday. The hams and bacon went to the smokehouse. The butcher asked my husband who raised the pigs? "My wife" he...
  2. SassyKat6181

    Rosie's kidding thread!

    Congrats! He's so cute :D I had a single doeling born in June that was a little over 4 pounds at birth. I've heard that singles generally run larger since they are getting all the nutrients.
  3. SassyKat6181

    Rehabilitating an aggressive doe?

    I don't visit this site too often, but just came upon your post. Did you have any luck taming the doe?
  4. SassyKat6181

    What is best way to start with pregnant goats?

    Oops, sorry....just saw this thread again....haven't been on for a while. I bought a buck when I was ready to breed my girls. I know some breeders offer a driveway breeding. You'd have to look around your area, or if it suits you, get your own buck. I started with the two doelings in may...
  5. SassyKat6181

    What is best way to start with pregnant goats?

    I started by purchasing two 8 week old doelings. There is so much to learn about raising and keeping goats, that I wanted to start from the beginning. We now have our first kid born here, she's 5 weeks, and I've started milking her mom. Going pretty well, but still learning every day. I...
  6. SassyKat6181

    A few kid questions

    Well I've done the kennel two nights in a row. First night great....moms udder was full in the a.m. and I milked out 3 cups. This morning, one side was soft and one side was full......she mustve figured out how to nurse through the kennel. Its one of those wire kind. :P Where there's a...
  7. SassyKat6181

    A few kid questions

    I want to separate baby at night and milk mama in the morning. She is three weeks and has been gaining 2# per week (Nigerian dwarf) I don't have any other kids. Could I put her in a medium sized dog kennel in the stall? Also, she has been picking at mamas food. When do I need to offer her...
  8. SassyKat6181

    A new doeling

    Thanks everyone! We are so excited. She's a keeper, being our first and all. Doesn't hurt that she got her mamas blue eyes too :love
  9. SassyKat6181

    A new doeling

    Our FF Nigerian Dwarf Caramel kidded on Friday night, day 145. I was working in the barn all day and left to get dinner and pick up some supplies for the kidding stall. Checked her right before I left and came home (1.5 hrs later) to a wet kid on the stall floor. Stinker! So upset I missed...
  10. SassyKat6181

    Weight gain in pregnant doe....or lack thereof

    I have two does, both sisters....15 month old Nigerian Dwarfs. They were wormed with Safeguard in January when I acquired my buck, and bred shortly thereafter. One doe, Caramel seems to be putting on good weight. She is due July 4th. The other doe, Sally, seems to not be putting on weight at...
  11. SassyKat6181

    A few questions...

    1) I trimmed hooves last weekend and noticed some reddish (bloody) spots on the backside of the bucks hooves in the fleshy part. Is this mites? I don't see any bugs. He also has really dry skin, dandruff, on his back/lower neck. I put eprinex pour-on on him and put some in those hoof areas...
  12. SassyKat6181

    Help me name this buckling!

    I like his name as Zander too :D
  13. SassyKat6181

    How much?

    I am in Massachusetts and picked up some Yorkshire/Berkshire cross for $80 each and they were 8 weeks old. I know prices vary on breed and location.
  14. SassyKat6181

    Wethers-what to feed??

    I purchased a bag of the Manna Pro goat minerals from TSC until the Sweetlix comes in that I ordered, and all 3 of my nigerian dwarfs won't touch it :( I feed my buck Purina Noble goat. The levels look good and it has ammonium chloride in it. I bought it at TSC also.
  15. SassyKat6181

    How do you store your bagged feeds/grain?

    I use these 50 gallon containers. They have wheels on the bottom and a nice rubber seal around the lid. Works great...
  16. SassyKat6181

    Poor Waldo, he was my first banding.

    Poor little dude. I haven't had kids yet, my girls are due in July. If I get a buckling, he'll be wethered as a companion for my current buck. I am still up in the air about banding or cutting. Hope he feels better soon. :hugs
  17. SassyKat6181

    Castration really does effect urethra development

    We recently got a new puppy and the breeder said to wait until he was 1 yr old, so that his body would grow properly. We have another male english cocker who was 9yrs old when we neutered him, and it never made a difference in his behavior. I know goats are different.