:D thank you all! I'm getting more and more excited as the days pass. Also anxious. Hopefully all my questions won't become annoying :hide I think I have G.A.S. And I don't even have goats yet!
We won't have everything set up for our goats till mid April and I was wondering If it will be realistic to buy doelings and a buckling around then? I know that the breeding cycle for most goats are between oct-jan and at 149 day gestational period that puts me at mid April, but how realistic is...
I was thinking about pygmy nubian cross, the eventually getting into a pygmy cashmere cross :lol: I want them for everything goats can provide, Dairy expecially, but meat and fiber too. Plus I need them to help me claim some old growth forest that is over run with brush.
The chickens I'm looing...
I've been told it is hard to stay small. Starting small is the easy part, but after one animal, hey whats one more right!
Elevan - I'm arranging my thoughts, I will have tons of questions before we even get started, and while I'm doing of course! I'm so excited :weee
Hello! I'm brand new to this farm life style but I am so ready for a change in my life. Me and my husband are in the process of buying land and a few animals to starts us on or journey to a sustainable, utility, homesteading life. We traveled and have spent time wwoofing (world wide...
Never mind on the CL, CAE, and Johnes disease, just looked them up. Johnes disease is scary sounding. So I figure I need to ask the breeder/seller for recent test records. Hmmm hope I don't encounter it.
Thank you all so much! A Pygmy Nubian looks like a good match for what I'll need. And maybe after a few years of goat handling we'll try our hand at breeding with a hairy goat for cashmere. I know all goats are foragers, but will the pygmians be good at eating off the land? I guess I'll stop be...
Hello, first I'd like to say I've been lurking for a while, (here and byc) and I wondering what breed of goat to get. My family is living on 10acres of mostly old forest. Im looking for a goat that can be used mainly for milk, but with meat and maybe cashmere (though the cashmere would be a perk...