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  1. L

    Gold Dust kidded 2/16

    Doe #4 is sooo cute. Congrats on the quads!
  2. L

    New, soon to be from MO

    :D thank you all! I'm getting more and more excited as the days pass. Also anxious. Hopefully all my questions won't become annoying :hide I think I have G.A.S. And I don't even have goats yet!
  3. L

    Good time to buy baby goat?

    Oops, sorry I'm in south eastern MO, and I'm looking for Nubian does and Pygmy buck, or all 3 already crossed Nubian/Pygmy. Again sorry:hide
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    Good time to buy baby goat?

    We won't have everything set up for our goats till mid April and I was wondering If it will be realistic to buy doelings and a buckling around then? I know that the breeding cycle for most goats are between oct-jan and at 149 day gestational period that puts me at mid April, but how realistic is...
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    Gatting Started

    Good luck, I'm new myself so no help. This forum is great just sift through the threads and you'll find pretty much everything you need. :thumbsup
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    New, soon to be from MO

    I was thinking about pygmy nubian cross, the eventually getting into a pygmy cashmere cross :lol: I want them for everything goats can provide, Dairy expecially, but meat and fiber too. Plus I need them to help me claim some old growth forest that is over run with brush. The chickens I'm looing...
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    New, soon to be from MO

    I've been told it is hard to stay small. Starting small is the easy part, but after one animal, hey whats one more right! Elevan - I'm arranging my thoughts, I will have tons of questions before we even get started, and while I'm doing of course! I'm so excited :weee
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    New, soon to be from MO

    Hello! I'm brand new to this farm life style but I am so ready for a change in my life. Me and my husband are in the process of buying land and a few animals to starts us on or journey to a sustainable, utility, homesteading life. We traveled and have spent time wwoofing (world wide...
  9. L

    New to goats

    Never mind on the CL, CAE, and Johnes disease, just looked them up. Johnes disease is scary sounding. So I figure I need to ask the breeder/seller for recent test records. Hmmm hope I don't encounter it.
  10. L

    New to goats

    Thank you all so much! A Pygmy Nubian looks like a good match for what I'll need. And maybe after a few years of goat handling we'll try our hand at breeding with a hairy goat for cashmere. I know all goats are foragers, but will the pygmians be good at eating off the land? I guess I'll stop be...
  11. L

    New to goats

    Hello, first I'd like to say I've been lurking for a while, (here and byc) and I wondering what breed of goat to get. My family is living on 10acres of mostly old forest. Im looking for a goat that can be used mainly for milk, but with meat and maybe cashmere (though the cashmere would be a perk...