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  1. B

    New to goats, have a question about worms

    This may be too late to be of help, but I just wanted to say ... my vet sells wormers in any amount needed. Rather than buying a big bottle of Valbazen, I bought the amount I wanted for about $14. I wormed at 2-3x the strength recommended by the vet, and that was enough to worm 3 does, 4 kids...
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    Rescue horses - need help and adopters in/around Fresno, CA

    By the way, these are not your typical rescues. Not a bunch of sickly, starving animals, with half of them too far gone. I guess the owner realized they were not going to be able to keep giving them good care. These are nice-looking animals, in pretty good condition, all colors and ages. I think...
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    How many times have you ever fell off a horse?

    Never, actually. I used to be really good at staying on horses that (mildly) wanted me off. However, there was at least once (and maybe twice) I WISH I'd fallen (or jumped), instead of riding the (SAME!) horse to the ground as the HORSE fell. First fall was on the ground into some briars...
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    Rescue horses - need help and adopters in/around Fresno, CA

    Hi all, A friend passed this along on Facebook, and I wanted to share it with folks who might be close enough and interested. They are picking up 150 horses in Fresno, and need adopters, but also people just to help -- other people with calm horses to ride in, people to help organize...
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    Buck gone, does sick post 12 - was keep him alive

    Thanks, Ksalvagno. I didn't know about that. Yes, I recently had a fecal done at the vets. It was pretty much a waste of money. I'm near TAMU, I wonder if they do it. I'll look into that. This past week I was almost ready to give up keeping animals ... glad my muscovies at least are so...
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    Buck gone, does sick post 12 - was keep him alive

    Oh and 20Kids, I appreciate your help. No need to apologize for having stuff as well. Normally I can barely get online too. Hope you had a nice Mother's Day. :)
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    Buck gone, does sick post 12 - was keep him alive

    No, he's gone during the night. I appreciate the help though. I never gave him grain, but pelleted goat chow. I was concerned about the rumen. I never could get him on his feet, but tried to keep him on his chest. (he did fall a couple of times.) He showed no signs of anemia - FAMACHA was...
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    Buck gone, does sick post 12 - was keep him alive

    Thanks Roll. ESPECIALLY if it can affect any of the others, I'd like to know. He was better when I left him the last time last night. Sometime after that he ended up back on his side. This morning, pushed him back onto his chest and he ate pellets and hay, drank water on his own. Couldn't be...
  9. B

    My goat is lame

    Hope you find out what it is. I had one that limped and I checked her over, and saw nothing at first. But she kept limping. Eventually I found a TINY spine from a tree lodged in the cleft of her hoof. After I removed it, she stopped limping, so I'm sure that's what it was. Guess not too...
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    Buck gone, does sick post 12 - was keep him alive

    Last time I went out to him, he was eating hay. Slowly, but it seems like he's really eating it. I haven't seen him drink, but a bowl of water is within reach. He has good control of his head, and remains lying on his chest, not lolling to either side. I gave him a bowl of goat pellets (maybe...
  11. B

    Buck gone, does sick post 12 - was keep him alive

    Thanks, I don't think I can go quite that often, still risking myself if i get too worn out with the infection I'm fighting. :( But good thing is, he's been pulled up onto his chest, and he actually tried to eat a bite of hay. I think he should be able to get fluids for himself. I'll give him...
  12. B

    Buck gone, does sick post 12 - was keep him alive

    And once more ... That was encouraging. Got the PenG in him, I had to go with oral b-complex, gave him 2x human dose which is already a mega-high amount. He actually sucked it down and swallowed. Gave him a tube of molasses, which he actively swallowed, and a few tubes of water. Got him...
  13. B

    Buck gone, does sick post 12 - was keep him alive

    Never mind ... the injectible for the dog is B12 only ... Thiamine is B1 ... I have no brain today. :P ................................................................................. One more question? I do have injectable B, wasn't thinking. It's for my dog. How much would you give for a...
  14. B

    Buck gone, does sick post 12 - was keep him alive

    Thanks so much. I am dealing with just about more than I can handle, and in fact my two does are in danger too (not the same cause) and I'm putting a lot of attention to them. Along with a wonderful gander -- who has a bloodlust for ducklings all of a sudden, and a dog with an unexplained...
  15. B

    Concerning behavior between mom and 1 week old twin bucklings

    I thought my younger doe had lost her mind when she kidded. She'd let them nurse sometimes, and lick them. Much of the time she'd just walk away as if they weren't there and refuse to feed them for hours, and totally ignore their crying. She wouldn't even check on them if they were distressed at...
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    Buck gone, does sick post 12 - was keep him alive

    I don't wanna tell y'all how bad it's been around here -- been really sick for over a week with a tooth infection. Half a step from going to the ER all week, but I think I finally got it under control. In the meantime, various livestock problems. Always happens that way, no? But today I finally...
  17. B

    Sudden death in kits, stiffening?

    Thanks for the link. It's not something I've dealt with before. I read the information on that page, and I really doubt that's what's wrong with them, if the information is accurate. The litter is not fully weaned yet. They are starting to eat pellets, but are still nursing. The first kit...
  18. B

    Tapeworms and the valbazen ain't working....

    I'm maybe a couple hours north of you ... the valbazen worked for me, I did 8cc for a very underweight yearling high-% Nubian doe (VERY skinny), 3 days in a row. She expelled a load of tapes after the first dose. I didn't worm at all last year, had no issues. I was telling a dairy farmer...
  19. B

    Two lop-ears died??

    If rabies is suspected, she might be able to get the necropsy done free. I'd contact local agencies (health, animal, etc.) and see if it is possible. Ummm .... might be a good idea to give them contact info other than where her livestock is located, just in case there is some kind of knee-jerk...
  20. B

    Permanent outdoor setup using trees?

    Just thought I'd toss out an idea since you are in the planning stages. My setup is similar to what you describe, but with a 2x4 frame instead of trees. Instead of suspending the cages though, I stretched fencing wire (4x4 opening field fencing) over the frame and it forms a base for wire cages...