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  1. G

    Conformation, and are they pregnant? (Pics)

    Laylie has pretty good conformation, I am sure if you put her in showing position her back would not by swayed in, I know with my goats when they are in the stantion their back does the same thing. But as you can tell, her back legs toe-out, you can correct that by trimming the hard outside...
  2. G

    goat eating chicken feed

    My goats did the same thing, but if you put all of your chicken feed in a large trash can (a clean one of course, a plastic one that locks is best), it keeps the feed dry and it keeps your goats from getting into it.
  3. G


    Spray your goat with water every time she head butts you, teach her it is not okay for her to boss you around, if you teach her that you are "herd queen" she should back off.
  4. G

    new milking goat- what do i need

    For milking you need wet wipes to clean the udder before milking that are non-alcohol based so they won't dry out the udder, some stuff called fight bac (you spray it on the teats after milking to prevent mastitis and it can be bought at any farmers store), a strip cup (it's just a cup that use...
  5. G

    Getting 2 whethers soon , have pen questions +

    I would make the pen as big as you can, so they have enough room to run around. For the shelter I would have at least 7 square feet per goat so it's not crammed and make sure the shelter is at least 3 sided. Hope this helps! :D
  6. G


    Just take it slow. Don't pull on the lead rope, they will just pull back. Put a treat out in front of her and make her walk the direction you want to go, after she has gone a few steps give her the treat. Do that every day but increase the amount of steps she takes each day. Soon enough she will...