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  1. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch

    Recently aquired heifer hardly eats anything!

    I got a 2 year old Longhorn heifer four days ago. She is bright eyed and curious and seems okay. She hardly eats anything though, a couple handfulls at each feeding. She just nibbles around. All the feed I've given her is good quality and she came from a place in the same area as me. I've tried...
  2. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch


    I'm guessing so, because she showed no problems or discomfort. :D
  3. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch

    How long do bulls court cows?

    One of my heifers is gonna spend 2 months on pasture w/ a nice bull next month and I don't have to pay anything! YAY! :celebrate It helps to make friends in the cattle business :D
  4. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch

    Arabian Stallian with blue eyes

    My best friend's parents raise Arabians, some of the best in the world. No 100% true purebred Arabian is a paint one, all that are admitted to the Arabian Stud Book have to be solid colored with no white markings above the knee. Paint Arabians are not purebred. They have to have at one point in...
  5. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch

    Cow and horse together

    Not always true, my longhorn steer was pastured with a Morgan horse for quite a while and never had any problems. Horses are usually more dominant over cattle, therefore they have the ability to "drive" them. After them became buddies, my steer would play with his tail using his horns but if he...
  6. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch

    Time to sell the bull?

    Put him in the freezer! :lol:
  7. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch

    Truth or old wive's tale: bulls and female (human) hormones

    Back when I had only my steer, he would try to jump on my sometimes, which I was luckily able to avoid by jumping away (I don't think having a 1000+ lbs steer jump on you is good for your back LOL) I don't remember if it was during my periods or ovulating times though. Maybe though a bull kept...
  8. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch

    Bull talking to a neighbor bull? Do I need to be concerned?

    I hope your hotwire is really HOT :he until another heifer/cow comes into heat to distract him! :ya
  9. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch

    Any cows out there broke to ride?

    I got my first longhorn steer (the one in the picture and the one on my avatar is him 1 year later) when I was in 6th grade and I completely trained him myself. He picks up his feet (like a horse does), he is lead broke, and saddle broke and lets you sit/lay on him when he's lying down. So, to...
  10. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch


    The title says it all, post your cutest or funniest calf pictures! Here's mine!
  11. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch

    Life span?

    depends on the breed and how well she was cared for, a rancher in my area has a 19 year longhorn cow that is still fertile and can still have calves, altough it took a few heat cycles to settle. Personally, I wouldn't let mine calf after 15 due to possible complications and low birth weights.
  12. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch

    Who here has beef cattle?

    :bun Texas Longhorns baby! :P
  13. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch

    Breed best suited for me...

    Try Texas Longhorns, they are beautiful, great foragers and browsers, Calving ease, temperament, disease resistant, longevity, adapability and have great tastesting, very lean meat. Most people assume Longhorns are mean due to their long horns but in actually are very docile and extremely smart...
  14. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch


    Ok, well thanks, I feel a little bit more relieved now. The only thing is, she's not a 1400 lbs animal, in fact, she is small for her age. Do you think I should give my vet a call in the morning to let him know?
  15. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch


    Help, my 16 month old heifer just ate a plastic shopping bag right before my eyes, I was unable to pull it out; in 1 second, it was just gone! What should I do? Is this serious? HELP!
  16. AF Texas Longhorn Ranch

    Any cows out there broke to ride?

    Yes, it is possible to ride cattle. I have a Texas Longhorn steer that is already saddlebroke, just haven't had the time to sit on him yet. Just make sure they are done growing so you don't hurt them and I wouldn't ride a pregnant cow either, also you have to use a thick padded saddleblanket and...