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  1. BethC

    Strauch Drum Carder

    I have a Strauch Petite.. Love it!!
  2. BethC

    Hello...and a few pictures

    HA! I had to google what a Tribble was! LOL Oh, and I've only ever spun for myself. Before I had started spinning Angora, I had been spinning for something like 7 years, but it was really hard for me to get the hang of it. I am just now finally getting comfortable enough with it as...
  3. BethC

    Hello...and a few pictures

    Hi, I joined here yesterday. I have angora goats and angora bunnies. I thought I'd jump right in and post a few pictures of just a few of my "babies" Here is Oliver and my daughter. He has since been sheared and I'm actually spinning his fluff right now! This is Sally (My daughter named...
  4. BethC

    Giving Corrid in drinking water...still need Vit. B complex?

    Agreed, very informative! thank you! If I remember correct, there isn't a real cut and dry dosage chart on the DiMethox (I could be wrong on that one...I just remembered for some reason being unsure how much to give) Can you tell us what the dosage is? And do you drench? Or put in their water?
  5. BethC

    Hello from PA!

    Thanks for the welcome everyone! I have Angora goats. Will be breeding for the first time this fall.
  6. BethC

    Question about Goat Poop

    I have a young Buck, born in January this past year, his poop is 99% of the time, more dog turd like, than goat berries. Like the berries are all stuck together. My other goats don't have this. Is this something to worry about? Or an indication of a problem?
  7. BethC

    mollys herbals?

    I am using an herbal wormer on my goats, actually just started last week. I'm using Fir Meadows. however, my goats don't seem to like it. I'm curious what all you mix with the wormer to get your goats to take it? I'm top dressing their grain with molasses then sprinkling the wormer on top...
  8. BethC

    Chickens hatching then die?

    It's possible it got cold I guess. As far as I can tell, the hen only gets off the eggs when I bring feed back. Of course I don't want them 24/7, so that may not be the case, that's just how it seems when I am out there. but that is a possibilty
  9. BethC

    Keeping Bunny's Cool

    I use frozen tiles. I have 2 for each bunny, so I put one in the freezer, the other in with the bun while the other is getting frozen, then I switch them out a few times a day. When it's really hot, more often than that if unbearably hot. I tried the frozen bottles, but mine would never lay...
  10. BethC

    Chickens hatching then die?

    In the Spring we put eggs in the incubator and hatched out some chicks. Some of them chicks died during hatching, we could hear them, see them, then eventually they'd stop moving making noise, and they died. It was really really hard to peel the shell off of the dead chick. I learned that it...
  11. BethC

    Hello from PA!

    Hi all, I'm new here. I live in PA with my H, 4 kids, 4 goats, 2 angora bunnies, one mini Lop, a bunch of chickens, quail etc..... I'm excited to find this forum! I'm often looking for places for answers to questions, concerns etc...
  12. BethC

    Giving Corrid in drinking water...still need Vit. B complex?

    Hello all, I'm new here (First post actually) I have angora goats, only 4 of them for now and I have a question about using Corrid in their drinking water. Last year, I was drenching my goats for 5 days, for coccidiosis as per my vets order. He also told me to give a shot of Vitamin B...