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  1. W

    Can you raise turkeys (3 or 4) with a chicken flock.

    Southern By Choice, I absolutely love my turkeys too! I have a couple different breeds that I raise so have a couple Toms, hence separate pens. It is totally true that the hens do not like to be cooped up, they are always escaping. I am worried about predators and the road though (and people...
  2. W

    Multi-species bulk feed

    This is exactly the kind of post of looking for! I was wondering if anyone here feeds fodder and hay exclusively to rabbits? I sprout barley right now and was curious about the comment about feed with too much barley for chickens? I had not run into that before. The feed mix I use right now is...
  3. W

    Can you raise turkeys (3 or 4) with a chicken flock.

    I have chickens and turkeys together. Once in awhile my big tom and my big rooster will have "words" but I have 3 separate pens plus some free range so I rotate them until I find a combination where everyone pretty much gets along. Other than the occasional "words" between the dominant...
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    Surviving the cold temps...record cold for here but luckily not as cold as some places in the...

    Surviving the cold temps...record cold for here but luckily not as cold as some places in the country!
  5. W

    Do any of you all raise American Blues as meat rabbits?

    Citylife, yeah, that would be great. It will probably be a month or two before I can get any but it would be good to know if they plan to breed or have some little ones that will be ready in the a bit. Thanks!:)
  6. W

    Do any of you all raise American Blues as meat rabbits?

    Hi, thanks! That is good to hear. I am looking forward to expanding after I have my new rabbitry set up. You, unfortunately are a little far from me!:tongue I am on the east coast, Delaware!
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    moving and wanting to make sure I get an adequate place for Alpacas

    Yeah, they will be just pets, no plans to breed or anything. I figured a horse stall type shed would be good?. Also, is it better to get two females or two males or a pair? Are males or females more friendly in general? I know with rabbits, males tend to be a bit cuddlier than females in...
  8. W

    moving and wanting to make sure I get an adequate place for Alpacas

    Hello all, I am hoping to buy a place soon and right now I have a little over an acre with a barn of rabbits and a bunch of featherheads. When I buy a place I won't be able to get a lot of land but hope to have an acre of land just for Alpacas and sheep...just a couple of each for the wool...
  9. W

    Do any of you all raise American Blues as meat rabbits?

    Well that is good to know! Thanks! I am seriously thinking of getting a few breeders after I move and have a bigger rabbitry. The blue and white girl I have is adorable and very sweet.
  10. W

    Do any of you all raise American Blues as meat rabbits?

    I currently raise mainly Silver Fox and Harlequins and have added red and black New Zealands to the Harlequins for growth. I found a really sweet American Blue doe and am thinking of getting a couple more since they are a rare heritage breed but was wondering what folks thought of them as...
  11. W

    Just got a pair of American Chinchillas today

    sawfish99, I know this is a very very old post, but I use the rabbit furs for crafts and if you ever have a bunch you want to get rid of, I would happily take them off your hands, paying for overnight shipping and an ice pack. - Kitty World Tree Rabbitry
  12. W

    Does no one have Standard Rex rabbits anymore?

    Unlabled Mama, are you still looking for Standard Rex? I have a very sweet buck that I just don't have a real use for in my breeding program. I had thought to get into Rex but ended up raising Harlequins instead. Send me an email if you get this and you are still looking. I am in southern, DE...
  13. W

    Finally got our Silver Foxes and first liters.

    Hello, I just rejoined here after being off the lists for awhile. I raise Silver Fox here in Delaware and am always on the lookout for new lines. I think you are about 4 hours away from me but I have a friend in the Winchester area. Where did you get your Silver Fox from? Mine are from...