Adults usually keep it (cocci) in check (build immunity as they age, that's why I stop treating at 6-8 mos)...but it IS possible. If an adult is bothered by a cocci bloom there's usually something else wrong w/ it that compromised the immune system (some other illness) which allowed the opportunistic parasite to take over.
Typically when adults scour it's dietary or parasites, but there are really hundreds of causes which is why we're recommending the fecals. We can guess all day and guess wrong each time.
Have the poo tested and please let us know what the results are.
Okay, thank you for putting up with my many questions. As much as I would love to wait for the 4th goat's fecal (one of the 2 month olds), I better get going because I have to deal with human problems today if I want us to have gas for our house this winter and for our garbage man to not skip our house for the 4th week in a row.
I will definitely let you all know how it goes. I'm hoping that I will be able to drop off the fecal at the vet and then just have them call me when they're done.