Overrun with beasties
You might want to put those camera's up!20kidsonhill said:I am putting security cameras up in the barn. Just an FYI.
Okay, I don't carry on often about them, but Tori's little doeling with the speckled ears is just sooooo adorable and 1x1 teated. Not sure she will be leaving our farm. Maybe she can take Star's place. I am arguing with my husband to keep Tori another year. She has needed to be pulled(assisted) 3 times in a row now during delivery,but I think she is worth it and she is very cooperative. I can use the extra milk to feed for emergencies, she is just a great doe. The udder and legs on her for being 10 years old is amazing. I wish I had one of those doelings to give to each of you.
Tori looks soo sweet!