Loving the herd life
Your babies are ADORABLE!
Congrats on so many good looking babies AND getting to keep the does!!! 

20kidsonhill said:i lost indies buckling to pnuemonia at 3 days old. he dah a hard delivery and hard time getting going. he must have aspirated and i didn't catch it sonn enough.![]()
X2Mamaboid said:20kidsonhill said:i lost indies buckling to pnuemonia at 3 days old. he dah a hard delivery and hard time getting going. he must have aspirated and i didn't catch it sonn enough.![]()
Sorry you've had a rough day.20kidsonhill said:I will hope for a better day tomorrow, and try to do some new pictures, My son had his first litter of kits and they are 2 days old, this morning I found one dragged out of the next box and dead. Then Indie's buckling, Then Hot mamma kidded and she has been in poor health, the kids aren't anything great and she has hardly no milk, So it has been just kind of a nasty day. not the end of the world, but wasn't one of those feel good days.
On a positive note, I have kids starting to contact me for show animals and I am enjoying watching all those little ones running around, but now I am a bit nervous. I keep picking them up and setting them by their mom's to make sure they have a strong,energetic, sucking reflex. And running around feeling tummies and listening to their breathing. Now I am paranoid and nervous.
The cat keeps chewing my bottle nipple and put holes in two of them. You would think I would learn, but the cat wont be around and then I set the bottle down and foreget about it and then he is chewing on it.So I was out of the pritchard nipples and switched to a larger lamb nipple. Peaches doelign wanted nothing to do with that. The first time she took it and drank about half of her bottle, but the next feedign she clamped her mouth shut, What a stinker. So I sent one of my teenagers to the store for more Pritchard nipples and she ran to it and latched right on. The buckling stopped taking a bottle an dis nursing on Peaches good side, the doeling is also now trying to nurse some on her good side, for a while she would nurse on the bad side and seemed happy with it, although not a drop was coming out.
Nova's udder has gone boom and I am thinking pink. But I wont be surprised when I see blue.