After panicking for 20min like a headless chicken, I figured out where to put Billy and how to beef up the fence in a way that he cannot scale it again. Will also electrify it.
Kris & Michealis will be alone until the 23rd, then they will be split and put with their girls. That way, if any of their girls lamb from 2/15/2018 through 3/08/2018, I'll know they are Billy's and not Kris or Mich lambs.
Billy was separated and his scheduled girls put in with him. His breeding harness is on and Marshmallow was put in her coat. Tatiana is in with him as well.
Also thinking of leaving the groups together until the end of December and moving the clean-up time.
Since Sebby needs a friend, I moved Lucia in with him and both are in the dogyard now until the season is over.
They are both very needy boogers! Had to drop some feed to keep them out of the house, lol.
Decided to try and put the two in the "empty" pasture and hope Kris leaves them alone. He likes to start fights with Billy, but they usually leave the young rams alone.
Blue crayon has been on awhile, no marks. =/
Guess they plan on having late lambs.
Anywho, as I wait for winter to be over, I'm making basic lamb coats. Have already made 10 in previous years, making 16 more now. I think I have enough fabric to make 5 after that.
Might sell some for cheap to pay off fabric and velcro costs.
Ended up removing rams today.
I am so all over everywhere this year, lol, sorry.
Sebby is separated with Lucia & now also Matilda.
All other ewes are out in the new pasture.
I think I should use Kris as the cleanup ram....Then keep ewe lambs from him and then sell him.
Lucia has such long wool!
I should of coated her!
Just wanna snuggle her! ♡