Herd Master
Looking good!
It was a tag that had his dad’s initials from the breeder. It just said BM. He has his JSAF tag and his scrapieWhat "extra" ear tag did you remove? You will need the scrapie tag to sell him. Many breeders put in 2 tags - one is the scrapie tag assigned to their flock, while the other is the individual ID tag which identifies the lamb which the breeder would use to identify which ewe and ram the lamb was out of.
It is still there. Showing spreading. The ring out meds got delayed again. I don’t have any of that but I herd vinegar naturally repels it so should I spray some on his ears??Great. How is the stuff on his ear doing? You can try smothering it with sulphur cream, or iodine.
I will be crying as I make his fungus repellent lol. Will a raw white onion work? Or dose it need to be cooked?Onion juice will kill ringworm. Grate an onion, squeeze juice, apply with a q tip, get it good and wet. It should help this too, until your medication can get there. Several applications of onion juice kills the ringworm fungus.