First case of a ram failing to drop! So, he'll 100% be dog food. Buyer will choose a new white one to band instead. They're getting 3, "one of each" color.
Moved the ewes.
Lucy didn't hear or see when I moved the rest before, so she's stuck with the cattle. Idk how I'll move her w/o them trying to get through, too....
Eloise & Maiasaura will probably move over or stay put awhile. Not sure yet.
Can start working on the pasture above this one now. Just gotta make sure enough room is left for the pony track as well. But need to take down more fencing before I'll have anything to start with!
That got me to looking. Drones can be bought reasonably Thinking I want one. Lazy way to look out over my fields and animals! . Pretty sure I'll do that! Any farmer with lotta land should use them - surely, many do already.
Electric pole is being moved tomorrow, cable install on Friday.
So, I can start redoing that pasture to its new size this weekend. Gotta move the fence over to go up diagonally on the hill, then down along the driveway.