Eloise had her lamb, a minimally spotted eweling!
Almost didn't find her, about 2 days old.
Need to send out DNA to figure out if Magnemite or Oreo is the dad.
Getting out all the time now...
Adjusted some hot wire on the paddock, plugged it in, zapped myself & then tossed dog back in.
Need to redo hot wire around the rest of it, but it's a little tricky with a bull in the pen. Lol
This part she got out from. Bull tore wire down, so it's missing from this back area, so are the insulators...
And this part was still intact, so I just lowered the wire & moved the fencing back, then plugged it in.
Mowing to make space for tposts for paddock #12. It'll be separated from the current one, originally #11/past pics, for now. Will try to put up just hot wire and put the moos out, then take down the fence splitting it to open it up to permanentsize.