A Jesusfreaks tales of farm life with soon to be Six kids

River Buffaloes

Loving the herd life
Jan 14, 2020
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Currently in New Delhi, India, originally Bihar
River first is your sanity still intacted after reading all that?? If not well first i am not liable second in getting a cure for insanity i not much help there either i am afraid lol. Right now my biggest issue is a lack of milk now lol she started to drop in milk production.
On the incubator I would agree it was broken for sure. I am waiting to buy a new one until we closer to the season i like hatching in. The geese have ironically started laying and I am not thrilled lol. I was about to seperate some for processing and now one laying and o don't know which new female it is. So no seperating yet but i can atleast enjoy so eggs lol. Today not a good day to mess with the calf so her and her goat buddies get to stay in their pen and not in the pasture. They have hay and water they will survive the disappointment. I don't feel like dealing with the buck and calf when some things are going on so at the moment they can park it. The pigs are one huge compared to when we got them one still looks pregnant we see if she drops some piglets for us if she was bred prior to us getting her around Sept 20th should be her due date. So we see either way i know gruff tried mounting may so she should drop i estimate some time in december I could be wrong just depends on his success. I have noticed any more heats but i could very well miss them. Oh and gruff needs his hooves trimmed anyone want to come over and hold him or trim while i hold him lol. Dh says he help we shall see. Either way it has to get done even if i have to tie the pig up. For those of you who don't know my husband he hates mud and he not found of the musk gruff gives off lol so bring some popcorn it should be fun to watch. However if you have any breathing issues as result of choking or laughing to hard or any other such problems you been warned lol. I haven't got much outside done i did plant some more seeds but so far the pumpkins, squash and cauliflower plants are the only recognisable ones that have sprouted. I am order more school books for the kids, master books isn't working out as planned. It's way to slow and Lucy doesn't learn as well from it. She said she prefers rod and staff so back to that we go. I need to find history and science but with her father being a history junky and her mother being a science (animal and plant basised) junky i am not sure we need either. But anyways i been looking at more fabric to order and other such things. I baked bread yesterday and a new apple oat bar thing so far most of us like it. I am going to be baking muffins today and more bread. I also been freezing some eggs and have alot put in the water glass solution and eggs are still taking over the extra fridge and freezer so going to look into so more recipes that use alot of them. It's been nice outside unforantly I don't get out as much as i like wirh four kids. The dang fire ants have come out everywhere after the rain and I am chopping up their nest unforantly i have yet to find a solution to not using poison and as its near both the animals, garden and my babies i can't use typical poisons of out concerned for their well being. The older kids would behave but the two year old well he a different story. We waiting for a new play yard for Lilian to come in. The older kids can't seem to remember no toys in living room rule on a regulare basis and Lilian gotten things she didn't need so new plan. Prior we used both cribs and play pens but the crib we had was to large and we got rid of it so need another option. She has a chair, a bouncer, a walker and her bed so ahe needs a place she can roll and crawl. Plus the two year old loves to play with her and give her toys he thinks are safe and take away toys he thinks are dangerous which can drive me crazy lol. Not much really new to report with the cool weather I breed my rabbits so hoping for hopping tiny feet soon and the goats should be breed but as i have witness it who knows when they will drop. But I believe he got sweetheart in August as he was all about her then i haven't seen him go crazy over cookie. And he seperated from panda but that might not mean much as there were together in the pasture in August so that being said stuff happens and I am one person with well stuff happens and fencing doesn't always stay were you want it. So far no more misshapps but we shall see if she pregnant thats fine i just was thinking of waiting longer to rebreed her. I plan to dry her off by the end of October so I can worm her and not worry about it. I also plan to get fecals ran and some testing done if i can.

LoL I am fine. There's a famous quote by Carl Rogers "what is most personal is also the most universal". We can all understand your struggles, your joy and frustration. We also have the same work, but in our case there are more than one woman in the household so the job is shared. Sons are not expected to leave their family, only daughters leave after marriage. Sons are expected to look after their parents.

River Buffaloes

Loving the herd life
Jan 14, 2020
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Currently in New Delhi, India, originally Bihar
@River Buffaloes you should start a thread about your buffaloes!

I thought about it too, but I live in New Delhi, because I have to work to support my family back in the village. My body lives in Delhi, but my soul lives in my village. That's why I am here.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Maybe writing about what you love will help you and give you peace. Not being where you want to be and having to working in the city can suck your soul out and leave you feeling empty. I pray for your happiness.

I just looked up New Delhi and Wikipedia said the population is 21.75 million (2011) Wow. I was raised in Houston, Texas, population in the greater area in and around Houston was at 6 million. I hated it and couldn't wait to grow up and move out! I can't imagine so many people in one city. No wonder you miss your village!


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Derailing is a normal thing lol my husband always claims my train has no tracks anyways atleast non that have been permantly placed lol. So i am fine with the topics anyone puts into place.
My husband had some friends from India that work here in the states and their families still live over seas i can't imagine the heart ache that causes. I am very much a home body and prefer being a at home mom. The ideal of being that swamped with people seems like madness. I don't want to even think of people trying to drive place Austin is scary enough.
We got the new school books in today i am excited about them been reorganizing the book shelves and getting things ready. Joshua (oldest boy) started on some of his school today he excited and didn't want to stop which would be fine but i did need to go through them and get the lay put an some planning done for teaching so he had to deal with the disappointment. I did order some triangle crayons and triangle grips to help him grip the pencils correctly. Oh dh is excited to try a new coffee brand. Called black rifle coffee its usa military vet owned and they have alot of things they do to help other vets so we excited to support them. Not much went on today to be honest i went to the feed store and I feel like I wore the wrong shirt granted I normally don't wear it out but i did for get to change it. It's lower cut t-shirt not horrible low cut but it works better for breastfeeding but the guy didn't seem to want to go back to work which i am not a unfriendly person but i am not a one to i. Habe some one just watch me kind of thing. Granted he was probably worried that being female i might not be able to use a ratchet strap tie down but nope i been well trained by dh in that art form lol. Either way higher collars needed that a new memo i am sending to myself. I am wanting to order this fabric and I am trying to decide exactly the right amount lol i am fine with over 10yard each but i don't thing my dh would like the price and the storage might be a problem lol. Oh I haven't posted the almost finished horse puppet thing ok well I haven't attached the strings but i give yall a preview. There are so many diy projects i find that I tend to want to do and I get a list and it just keeps me out of trouble well i guess that depends on your view point because dh might argue it keeps me in trouble lol. Funny he claimed I should sell quilts (others asked how much for some i made) I am not a money oriented person so that would probably ruin quilting for me so I just can't and won't go there lol. My mother might come up tomorrow and I find that if the house is sparking all week the one day it's not i will get company without fail. One of my close friends does this all the time she just drops by and it's on a day i haven't gotten the dishes done yet or the floors swept and she come in at that moment lol. Her timing is horrid but she loves to help clean so I won't complain to much and the kids love her so she gets a pass lol . Anyways i am just wasting time i just got the baby to sleep need to put her in her bed and get to work cleaning if i expect sleep tonight. Between my reorganizing and cooking the house is a wreck. Warning don't ask me to organize because i reorder everything I first must make chaos its just in the fine print of my contract. Oh and if you have any egg jokes let me know lucy and I have a game going on who can come up with the most but we both have hit our dead ends and are try to make more. But there only so far a yolk will go lol. Yes the corny the better we tend to make goofy jokes a everyday game its our thing. But when you get yolked out you crack under pressure. Lol ok I shut up now be for my um quirky(goofy behavior shows to much.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Pictures of horse puppet/ marionette


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Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
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Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
Your train has no tracks! Bwahahaha! :lol:
I know what you mean about people visiting the day your house has been hit by a chaos cyclone. It's a sure way to get old friends to look you up.
Sorry no egg jokes. I can never remember jokes anyway. I think it's cute that you and Lucy have that habit of cracking each other up.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
You say that and yet you never visit how rude lol. And yeah its gets funny a d joshua love knock knock jokes he told one for weeks on end and he would tell it atleast 20 times a day and he would laugh each time. Right now his favorite joke is what do you call a sleeping dinosaur?
A dinosnore
Lol they heard it on a cartoon and it has yet to die out lol. I asked them what do you call a egg that never hatches?
Eggstint they like that one
Or what does the egg say to the hen? Hurry up i am getting tired of all these folks. Any ways yeah i might need to get out more lol.