A Jesusfreaks tales of farm life with soon to be Six kids


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Sounds like a short run virus is making its way through the family. Hopefully the rest can skip it.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Well everyone better woohoo. Life goes on. So today I ran some errands got some meat from the market, still waiting for a package, I also ran over and trimmed someone's goats hooves for them for as small job. Got my boots and tools cleaned after we got back to prevent anything. Their goats were anemic and also had fish tail going on so we talked about things that could help. They wanted to have me come out again later on to trim again for them. Also been saling eggs so I thrilled with the extra money. Okay back to farm animals let see panda is being dried off the rest of the way by by my goat milk 😭 oh well i 'll live. Gruff bred Sally today. So babies some time in January or February also may girl bits are swollen and she was bit more tired then normal for
Her so keeping an eye out for those babies. Rabbits should give birth soon and some eggs should.hatch. so excited.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Looks like it won't be long before we have piglets she seemed to be have some mild contractions. I keep watching her. She perked up after having some fresh water from a jar to drink from lol yes my pigs are spoiled they can drink from a cup. It's something I try when I notice they are having a rough time and it seemed to perk her up plus she gets friendlier so it works.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Ok she playing me i quit.(No babies yet)
Any ways so I got a call yesterday from the processors and my appointment been moved up to next week. Was mental ready for that. However considering Sally, may, and gruff broke in to the other pigs pen its better this way. As far as i know the other two females aren't bred and unforantly i really can't keep them almost four months longer to find out. I don't have that kind of room for that many piglets or the funds to feed that many. So before the get there i need them gone. I am having a hard time with it but it's part of farm life so it's time to toughen up i suppose. We taking them on Sunday. Even with out me doing much to make them friendly they come up to my legs they are very docile pigs. So two females and one barrow are going. Part of e wants to just label them pets. But when I think of how many piglets four female as can have and how many their offspring can have there is no way i can. Keep that many. I am also going to make my self process some roosters and a drake between now and this weekend. I going to hold off on processing the geese. I did find out which one is laying eggs so I want to wait and see if she hatched them out. Unforantly she was on of the ones on the hit list.


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
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Ok she playing me i quit.(No babies yet)
Any ways so I got a call yesterday from the processors and my appointment been moved up to next week. Was mental ready for that. However considering Sally, may, and gruff broke in to the other pigs pen its better this way. As far as i know the other two females aren't bred and unforantly i really can't keep them almost four months longer to find out. I don't have that kind of room for that many piglets or the funds to feed that many. So before the get there i need them gone. I am having a hard time with it but it's part of farm life so it's time to toughen up i suppose. We taking them on Sunday. Even with out me doing much to make them friendly they come up to my legs they are very docile pigs. So two females and one barrow are going. Part of e wants to just label them pets. But when I think of how many piglets four female as can have and how many their offspring can have there is no way i can. Keep that many. I am also going to make my self process some roosters and a drake between now and this weekend. I going to hold off on processing the geese. I did find out which one is laying eggs so I want to wait and see if she hatched them out. Unforantly she was on of the ones on the hit list.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Thanks for the pep talk. Today's a day that I need it lol. My oldest is being very needy with her school. She have fits of jealousy because her brother started and he gets more hands on time with me then she does but that's the difference in their age good and the abilities. Something she has to get over. My brains over loaded currently. Okay so in May she being weird she looks uncomfortable lol she keeps sitting like a dog which is odd for her. Oh and gruff is limping on his front left not sure what happen no blood but i keep watching him. Hopefully it will improve with time and he didnt do actual damage otherwise i need a vet and I don't want to pay for one if i don't have to. Going to have to go out and feed up and thaw out dinner what ever that is. And get lucy to finish school, nurse the baby, and hopefully fold and hang more laundry before dh is home because he wants to take out the couch (it been used one to many times as a toilet and the smell won't come out no matter what i use to clean it) and set up twin bed and use pillows for the bacj to have as a temporary couch until we find one we like with four kids lol. We have a hen that should have eggs hatch this weekend. And I have one that keeps acting Broody but doesn't want to sit where in a broody house so need a new plan i might wait till the one sitting is done an move the other broody in there since its smaller and doesn't give her lots of options. Baby bunnies maybe this weekend or next i can't remember. Anyways lots of babies everywhere is the plan lol. We see how much we can get done and just take it one step at a time. Oh the garden doing ok well for the most part it's good. It's the seeds the chickens stole that didn't grow but we will try agian in spring and I have a plan to keep them out. I am going to get the supplies and try it out and let yall know how it goes.


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
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Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
As young marrieds we used a bed as a couch. It was actually a twin sized roll-away bed. I made matching slip covers for the back pillows. However we didn't have 4 kids 🤣 but I'm sure it will work fine for you till you find the right one.
Sometimes all animals need is a little "tincture of time" to get better, to quote one of my favorite online vets Dr. Ramey. Gruff maybe did something silly and strained a muscle. If there's no gushing blood your golden!


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
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Okay so now I have rabbits with ear mites. One looks to have a secondary bacteria infection so he be going to the vet unless @promiseacres or any one else has something i can do for him to save me the vet cost.